DNP for lazy people?


The Tick
Jun 10, 2018
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This is my deal.......if you are...

1. Lucky genetically

2. Athletic (including loving cardio shit)

3. LOVE and naturally a "clean" eater

4. Love and properly weight lift

No.......................nothing is needed...if you want more than what the above will give you..............then use steroids, DNP, diet pills, Med diet pills, specific eating diets etc....list can go on forever....

Damn Jenn. Im standing right here.......



Unstoppable Force
Mar 30, 2018
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A guy under 180lb 6ft tall starting aas is a lazy ****er who can’t be bothered eating and training right. So no different to the guy using drugs to lose body fat. People in general don’t use aas to surpass there natural genetics, mast take them to look average.

I don't know that I could agree that a number as high as 90% of AAS users could get the same results over time. Genetics plays a huge role in the size(muscle) that a man can grow naturally. AAS makes genetics take a back seat when it comes to growth and strength potential. Fat loss on the other hand has no limits in terms of genetics. I get that different people loose fat differently but ultimately, anyone can get to their ideal bodyfat through nutrition and exercise.

Its easy for guys who have used AAS to think that they could look the way they do without AAS. I would love to think that I am somehow a genetic freek but the truth is, AAS is the only reason I achieved what I have. Ive lifted over 25 years and there is no way that I could get there even with another 25 years naturally.


SI Founding Member
Feb 6, 2012
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Never been a a fan.

It isnt the same tool as AAS. You can absolutely get the same results through proper diet that you can with DNP.

AAS gives gains that cannot be achieved naturally, period. Look at these 300lbs guys under 6 feet tall. I don't care who you are. You cannot be 300lbs with single digit bodyfat and under 6ft naturally.

The same cannot be said of the the results of DNP. It is possible to get to any level of bodyfat that DNP can help to achieve if you put in the hard work. The issue is that dieting and the cardio monster is too much for alot of people to handle.

I am not disputing the DNP is a tool but it most certainly is not the same type of tool and is most certainly used by more lazy people than AAS.

Probably the better explanation in this thread.


Apr 1, 2017
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A guy under 180lb 6ft tall starting aas is a lazy ****er who can’t be bothered eating and training right. So no different to the guy using drugs to lose body fat. People in general don’t use aas to surpass there natural genetics, mast take them to look average.

LOL We can agree to disagree.

A buddy of mine has been in the gym at least the 10 years that I have known him. He is 5'11 and at his heaviest, he was 190. He bust his ass in the gym. Im talking squats(most lazy lifters dont even touch this.), deadlifts(not some weak ass rack pulls) not to mention this dude eats about 1500 calories more than I do (currently 240). I am telling you brutha, genetics play a huge role in size.

I agree that there are plenty assbags out there that use AAS as a shortcut because they are lazy. There is no doubt about that but I think that alot of guys out there that are serious lifters/bodybuilders/powerlifters who have done this for years and have used anabolics for years forget what they looked like before. Sure their are the 1%ers who are genetically gifted but the average guy can't and wont get the results that AAS give naturally. The same can't be said for DNP.

DNP is dangerous and I am not talking high blood pressure, bloating, bitchtits, lactation dangerous. I am talking organs shut down, skin turn yellow, stroke, heart attack and death on your first cycle kind of dangerous.

I am not saying that everyone who uses DNP is lazy as some guys/gals use it as an add on to their strict diet/cardio programs but I just don't see the risk to rewards ratio being in the favor of the user.
Jan 1, 2019
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I think its a tool and to get the best results from it you can't be lazy. If you don't put the work in you may still lose some weight but no where near what you lose when you push yourself while running it.
Mar 19, 2019
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I would say it more about being impatient more than anything. Naturally we should am to lose 1lb a week but none of us want to wait 3 months to start seeing effects of our great work