Superdrol - A Designer Steroid ~ Long Write Up

Sep 25, 2011
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What is Superdrol?

(SD) is marketed as a 'pro-hormone' (PH) in the post-ban era of pro-hormones. Following the ban of most pro-hormonal substances, including the likes of 1 -test, 1-AD, 4-AD, M1T, etc. Designer Supplements designed this 'pro-hormone' based on the steroid Masteron, with an additional methyl group attached to the 17th carbon position. It is described as a cross between anavar and masteron, with the virtual inability for aromatisation to estrogen. It is highly anabolic (400-800% more so than methyl-test) and a lot less androgenic (~20% of methyl-test). Superdrol has hence been given the name Methasteron.

Despite being marketed as a supplement available legally and deemed another 'pro-hormone' or 'pro-steroid' by many, there is nothing very 'pro' about SuperDrol. In reality, SuperDrol is a designer steroid, and that is what the reader must primarily understand.

It is methylated, so will cause stress on the liver, and it is an anabolic/androgenic steroid, thus it has the potential to give side effects normally seen with such anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) use. It will shut your natural testosterone production down, and PCT (post-cycle therapy) is not only recommended, but frankly required.

It should also be noted that due to the steroidal nature of SD, those under the age of 21 should not consider the use of SD, which could be detrimental in a number of ways.

Cycling Superdrol

SuperDrol is sold in 10mg capsules. For those who have not used SD before, it may be a good idea to start off on 10mg as a single dose each day (ed) for at least the first few days/week. Those who have used SD before, or those who are in the range of 200lbs+ or have more experience with other pro-hormones/AAS should most likely want to start with 20mg ed. Dosages should be split where possible, 10mg in the morning, 10mg 12hrs later. Most users report that when running for longer than 3 weeks, the gains seem to cease in the 4th week.

This has led to many people thinking that 3 week cycles of SD are the best option in terms of gains and sides and this also is beneficial due to the harsh nature of SD on lipid values (see Side Effects of Superdrol).

A good cycle is 20mg ed for 3 weeks, with a 2-3 week PCT. Others have found success employing a 2 week on, 1 week off using a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM; e.g. Nolvadex) or Aromatase Inhibitor (AI; e.g. Rebound XT) during the week off.

PCT will involve either Nolvadex (Tamoxifen, the prescription only medicine) or
Rebound XT or other 1,4,6-androstatriene- 3, 17 dione (ATD - the active component of Rebound XT) containing products, although Rebound XT has been used by most.

Less potent AI's such as 6-oxo are not really going to be sufficient and are not recommended. See an example cycle (below) for dosages.

Side effects of Superdrol

As with all AAS, SD is not side effect free. However, when comparing to harsher compounds such as M1T, I would have to say SD fairs well in the sides department. Due to virtually zero aromatisation to estrogen, water retention in theory will be low (and in practise is low), and bloating should not occur such as one would see with an AAS oral like dianabol.
As SD is said to have diuretic properties, you may well experience a loss of water weight during the initial period of use. Also, I have yet to see a case of gynecomastia (gyno - development of breast tissue in males) induced by SD usage. I would not rule this out,
and always recommend to anyone who is doing a steroidal cycle of some sort to have Nolvadex on hand in case gyno occurs. SD could perhaps induce gyno through the progesterone route however this is mere speculation, and it certainly is not worth adding an anti-estrogen on cycle. Due to its low androgenic activity, one would expect androgenic sides to be low, and indeed, most users find little in the way of increased bodily hair, acne, hair loss (male pattern baldness - MPB), etc, however as SD does have some androgenic activity, and if you are genetically prone to MPB you may well increase this process while on SD.

The main side effects that seem to occur in many SD users are:

Cramping/painful "pumps" (specifically lower back)
Lethargy - in extreme cases people have reported feeling like they had a hangover for the duration of the cycle.
painful shi-splints, often making cardio very difficult
Substantial increases in LDL cholesterol levels and reduction of HDL level
SD is methylated so one must remember liver stress is a possibility
Possible loss in libido near end of cycle

Because of these sides (some being more serious than others) there are certain supplements that in my opinion, one should always employ whilst on a cycle of SD (see Necessary Supplements on Superdrol below).

Diet on Superdrol

Feedback would indicate that SD is not a good steroid to use for cutting. SD works best in a calorific surplus environment, and more specifically, in an environment where carbohydrates are high. For this reason, SD makes more of a good 'bulking' steroid, however one can easily use SD to put on mass whilst putting on little (if any) fat. Obviously this requires manipulation of diet so that protein and carbs are high, with plenty of good Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), but making sure that your calories are clean (good, complex carbs). Glycogen storage is dramatically elevated while on Superdrol and as such, complex carbohydrate consumption should be high, to not only assist in gains, but to potentially reduce the onset of lethargy and the likelihood of hypoglycaemia. You want to ensure intakes that are above maintenance calories. However, SD is not a shield against fat gain and as such it is advisable to consume calories at a level where you were gaining quality weight at a suitable rate before starting the cycle, as opposed to suddenly increasing them well beyond your current intake.

Coming back to the EFAs point this is very important due to the fact that SD will significantly affect your lipid values. This is not hypothesis, but rather reality as many testers have had blood work done prior to and after using SD, and the vast majority have seen HDL going significantly low and LDL skyrocketing. One's diet on SD should make sure that it is full of EFAs, as the diet of a bodybuilder should always be anyway!

Necessary Supplements on Superdrol

SD is methylated as mentioned, and being a 17 alkylated compound, stress will be inevitably put on the liver. The most common method employed by users of methylated steroids would be supplementing with Milk Thistle, available from health stores, supplement stores and some bulk powder stores. The Milk Thistle that you purchase needs to be standardised to at least 80% silymarin (the active compound), and users should run 1000mg ed of milk thistle (giving 800mg silymarin). Other liver protection aids, such as N-Acetyl Carnitine (NAC), etc, may also be employed if the user so desires.

If cramping occurs, as it may likely do, 5g ed of Taurine as well as potassium (add bananas into diet) will definitely help. If you have not used Taurine before, start off on 3g ed (take it pre-workout if possible, about 30mins prior to exercise) and build up to 5g. Taurine is available at very low prices from online bulk powder suppliers.

The major issue with SD usage as discussed is the 'trashing' of lipid levels. Thus I would never recommend a cycle of SD without the user taking the precaution of supplementing with cholesterol regulating products. One very good product, which is comparable to prescription statins and other products for cholesterol problems, is Red Yeast Rice (RYR or cholestin). A minimum of 1200mg of RYR ed for the duration of the cycle including PCT should help to maintain healthy levels of LDL and HDL.

NOW foods sell a good form of RYR, which includes CoQ10 and some Milk Thistle as well as Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA). One problem of supplementing with RYR is that it depletes the heart of CoQ10, so when using RYR one must also supplement with CoQ10. 60 -100mg ed of CoQ10 should be sufficient whilst on RYR.

Due to loss of libido being a possible issue with some (but most users do not report this to any great depth), one may consider the use of Tribulus Terrestris as a supplement to include in one's PCT.

Also, in view of the lethargy that SD promotes, some users may wish to supplement with caffeine or other stimulants if they so wish.

Example of a Superdrol Cycle - (values given are every day - ed)

3-5 days prior to cycle (supplement loading):

1000mg Milk Thistle
1200mg RYR
60mg CoQ10
3g Taurine

Week 1:

20mg Superdrol, split doses
Supplement stack*

Week 2:

20mg Superdrol, split doses
Supplement stack*

Week 3:

Superdrol, split doses
Supplement stack*

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)


Rebound XT/ATD PCT week 1 :

75mg Rebound XT (3 caps 1 in morning, 2 in evening taken with 10g of fat ideally)
Supplement Stack*

Rebound XT/ATD PCT week 2 :

50mg Rebound XT (1 cap in morning, 1 in evening, with 10g fat)

Rebound XT/ATD PCT week 3 :

25mg Rebound XT (1 cap in evening, with fat)

Or :

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) PCT Day 1 :

60mg Tamoxifen (taken all at once when convenient)
Supplement stack*

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) PCT Days 2 to 11 :

40mg Tamoxifen (taken all at once when convenient)
Supplement stack* (up to days 5 -7)

Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) PCT Days 12 -21:
20mg Tamoxifen
Optional extra : Add Tribulus throughout PCT.

*Supplement stack :
1200mg RYR
60mg CoQ10
3g Taurine

Water intake should be high throughout the cycle.

Generally time on + PCT should equal time off, so one should ideally wait 6 weeks after PCT finishes before starting a new cycle of SD.

SD can be stacked with other 'pro-hormones,' but I do not recommend stacking with those that are methylated as this will put too much unnecessary strain on the liver, even with Milk Thistle supplementation.

Lighter individuals (<170lbs) and those less adventurous may want to consider starting off on 10mg ed for the first 3-7 days to assess how they react to it, and maybe increasing to 20mg ed from the second week onwards. Those that don't respond well after 2 weeks to 20mg ed may also wish to consider going up to 30mg ed, but sides can be a lot worse at this dosage in many. People may also want to consider running it for 4 weeks, and although the above is an example cycle I would recommend, a 4 week cycle would be fine; however I would not recommend anything longer than 4 weeks, due to lipid
issues and diminishing returns/gains ceasing.

The reason I suggest 3 weeks is many people see very little in the way of gains in the fourth week, and it is often unnecessary to go to the fourth week bearing in mind the side effects associated with SD (which can be cumulative).

While strength gains may appear alarmingly rapid while using SuperDrol, they do not come with a proportional increase in strength of connective tissue. As such, strict form and a level headed approach to training should be maintained, to reduce the likelihood of injury.


SI Founding Member
Dec 21, 2011
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Re: Superdrol - A Designer Steroid

Very thorough.
Speaking of superdrol...not sure if that ban will end up happening but I have been stocking up!


Sep 24, 2011
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Re: Superdrol - A Designer Steroid

Very thorough.
Speaking of superdrol...not sure if that ban will end up happening but I have been stocking up!

Good point I have been hearing about this being bannedf or quite some time. Is it coming?


Re: Superdrol - A Designer Steroid

Good point I have been hearing about this being bannedf or quite some time. Is it coming?
They have been talking about it for a while now.... that stuff is SO harsh on your liver tho, i wouldnt touch it unless it was in oil for inject...


SI Founding Member
Dec 16, 2011
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Re: Superdrol - A Designer Steroid

Good point I have been hearing about this being bannedf or quite some time. Is it coming?

yes, it is coming soon. At ntbm we are getting the word out, and when beastdrol sells out, its gone. Bye Bye Bye SD


SI Founding Member
Dec 16, 2011
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Re: Superdrol - A Designer Steroid

More Info On SD

Superdrol (SD) is also known as methasteron, because it's the 17aa methylated form of the injectable steroid masteron (aka drostanolone). Methylation drastically alters the characteristics of a steroid so SD doesn't have much in common with masteron outside of the fact that it doesn't aromatize. This stuff was originally produced by Designer Supplements, later by Anabolic Xtreme before it got banned. Since being banned, it's surfaced in a few dozen clones (most of them containing either an "S" or a "drol" somewhere in the name). Superdrol is remarkable in that it is one of the cheapest and most potent of the so-called "prohormones" and definitely the most replicated. I should make it clear right now that Superdrol is not a prohormone, there is no conversion, it is a fully active methylated oral steroid.

Superdrol is a good "bulking" oral, it creates rapid gains in weight and strength starting in the first week. I'm commonly up 10 pounds in 10 days with SD and the same results are pretty common during the first week and a half or so. This is a result of rapid uptake of water and glycogen into your muscles. Recall that glycogen is the "fuel" for your muscles during a workout, so obviously one benefit of this is much greater strength and endurance during your workouts. The added water and glycogen will literally swell the muscles up, producing a fuller look and a much harder feel. The full muscles help to push out veins and increase vascularity as well.

Strength gains generally start in the second week. The way I have come to see it is that your first workout on Superdrol has baseline strength, and then in the next week your muscular "healing" is greatly enhanced, so the next time it gets hit, strength is up. For many users it's common to add around 10 pounds to your bench every week. It is also important to note that the recovery period while on SD is generally much reduced; in the heart of an SD cycle I hardly notice DOMS and I can increase training frequency and continue to make outstanding gains.

The anabolic environment created by Superdrol is excellent, so not only can incredible gains in size and strength be facilitated, but also it can work as an anti-catabolic agent during a cut or recomp. As Superdrol doesn't aromatize into estrogen, "bloat" shouldn't be an observed side effect; it is supposed to be "dry" and promote a hard look, certainly desirable when cutting. I have found in my own experience that SD can cause bloat if carb intake is high enough, but I think that is due to my own response to carbohydrates (I can't tolerate much without gaining fat). Many users report that SD requires a high carbohydrate intake because its actions to produce greater glycogen stores in the muscles mean lower blood sugar levels. Obviously for these people, SD may not be the best choice during a cut. Nonetheless, for some users the nutrient partitioning effects are so great that carbohydrate intake can be greatly elevated without fat gain becoming a problem.

Backpumps: this is common with many users and is generally more pronounced with SD than other oral steroids. Back pumps can be avoided by staying well hydrated, and supplementing your diet with potassium and by taking Taurine (approx. 3-5g) pre-workout (or everyday if you want to be safe).

Cholesterol: bloodwork frequently demonstrates that SD has a severe negative impact on lipids. HDL (good cholesterol) usually plummets and LDL (bad cholesterol) usually skyrockets. Be sure to get plenty of Omega 3 fatty acids. The popular cholesterol aids used in cycle support supplements are RYR (red yeast rice) and CoQ10.

Lethargy: as mentioned above, SD may have the effect of lower blood sugar levels on some users. This should first be tackled by increasing carb intake, if this doesn't work then supplementation with DHEA or plain old stimulants may be necessary. This is a side effect that generally limits the duration of SD to 3 weeks in more sensitive users.

Blood pressure: very common side effect for steroids! Hawthorne berries baby... Note that if you have headaches, this is probably attributable to a BP increase. If you are prone to BP increases, it is recommended to preload hawthorn berries for at least 2 weeks pre-cycle.

Libido: some people get an increased libido from SD, others get their libido destroyed by it. For myself, it seems largely unaffected. Often, I read of users noticing a boost at first, followed by a plummet towards the end of the cycle.

Dehydration: drink a lot of water on SD. It usually makes me extremely thirsty, especially during the first week when as the concentration of active SD rises and water loading occurs. Never allow yourself to be thirsty, always drink a lot of water. Remember, hydration will help with backpumps!

Gyno: Superdrol should not cause gyno on cycle. It cannot aromatize to estrogen so that is out. And contrary to popular believe, Superdrol is NOT a progestin-based compound and it has no interaction with progesterone or prolactin to the best of my knowledge. I am personally susceptible to estrogen-induced gyno and the so-called "progestin"-gyno and SD alone does not cause the least bit of any type of gyno for me. I think that clones of SD that produce gyno during a solo cycle are improperly formualted clones that can't be trusted.

Delayed-gyno: Delayed gyno is caused by an estrogen rebound and this is pretty common on compounds that cannot convert to estrogen themselves. On a SD cycle, the presence of SD will cause suppression of endogenous testosterone production, meaning low test on cycle; in turn, less test can aromatize into estrogen, and estrogen levels are low as well.

During post-cycle, as test levels return, estrogen can return in a "rebounding" spike that can cause gyno. This seems more common when an AI is used for PCT as this keeps estrogen levels suppressed even longer; when the AI is removed, estrogen levels spike up dramatically and cause gyno.

Reduced Appetite: Some users mention this and I am not sure if this falls into the same category of on-cycle gyno (i.e. a result of improperly formulated Superdrol). This is also a symptom of a taxed liver. See liver toxicity.

Liver toxicity: as with other methylated oral steroids, SD hits your liver. Basically you deal with this by not running Superdrol for more than about a month! Do not run longer unless you are getting bloodwork done on cycle and know what you are doing!
Be aware of the symptoms of your liver being overworked: reduced appetite or premature feeling of fullness, dull pain in abdominal region, pale stool, bruising easily, yellowing of skin/eyes.

First time SD users should generally start at 10mg. This is done for several reasons A) to assess sides and response to the compound B) to go through your bottle sparingly and C) because the water/glycogen loading phase doesn't need a huge dose of SD. Even on 10mg you should feel better muscle hardness and pump within the first week (and you should have gained some water/glycogen pounds). When you are comfortable with what you are feeling you can bump up the dose to 20mg.

20mg is generally the sweet spot with the compound. For the most sensitive users it is too much and produces bad backpumps and lethargy... For you lightweights, stick to 10. For users like myself, I could run 20mg forever. During the 2nd and 3rd week you should make excellent gains in size and strength.

Taking the dose to 30mg is generally not necessary. For the majority of users, this causes side effects to increase moreso than gains. Personally, I felt like it was difficult to perceive the change in gains, but the suppression at 30mg became more apparent. If you are not making good gains on 20mg, then you need to seriously consider how good your diet and training is before moving to 30mg. Also consider that I DO think some SD clones out there are improperly formulated and may be weak; if your gains on 20mg suck, this may be the case. If side effects aren't a problem then go ahead with 30mg, but I generally feel that the 30+ range is only for users that A) have a higher tolerance for steroids and/or B) are wellll over 200 pounds.

However you decide to run the cycle, restrict the duration to no more than 30 days. If you are doing 30mg most of the time, I wouldn't even recommend this; if you are one of those smart, patient users who is riding out 10mg, I would say the ceiling can be stretched a little, but don't try to push your luck too hard

Bridging & Alternatives
Because SD elicits such rapid gains, a major problem is that they are difficult to keep. One workaround for this problem is to use Superdrol at the start of a longer cycle. For instance, using it to kickstart an injectable cycle. An example of that would look like:

Test Enanthate 500mg for 12 weeks, Superdrol ~20-30mg for the first 4 weeks. As soon as the SD ends, the test kicks in, and allows you to take a few months to capitalize on the already-impressive gains you have made.
Similarly, SD can be used to kickstart other oral cycles. I feel the best way to do this is to bridge into a less harsh oral steroid (Epi, "tren" or Pheraplex). An example of this would look like:

SD 10/20/20
Epi 00/00/30/40/40/40
This is a 6 week cycle that has SD for the first 3 weeks, where Epi begins on week 3 and continues for weeks 4/5/6. This allows big gains to be made initially and then a 3 week period for the gains to be hardened up and strength increased even further (even if bodyweight doesn't increase much more, that is not the point, the point is to retain more gains in the end by giving your body sufficient time to become "used" to them.

Since SD is so potent, it is always employed FIRST in any such bridge, as you want the majority of the gains to be made as early as possible so your body has more time to adapt to them. If rapid gains are made at the very end of a cycle, they will disappear easier.

Obviously these are about as harsh as you would ever want to go with oral cycling but I feel these are some of the best methods to extract keepable gains from oral cycles.

However you decide to run your Superdrol, it is important to keep in mind that your calories should scale with your weight. For instance, if you start a SD cycle at 200 pounds and 3800 cals, and by the 4th week you are at 215 pounds, then your calories during the 4th week should be (215/200)*3800 = 4085. Most users do not do this and so they say the gains from Superdrol stop during the 4th week. I feel this is probably a major reason why 3 week cycles with SD became so popular. But I feel 3 weekers are stupid, it's not enough time to make much REAL gains.

PCT after Superdrol

SERMs: always use a SERM starting the day after you stop dosing SD (or whichever oral steroid you're ending with in a bridge). Nolva, clomid and toremifene are the popular choices. Having tried all 3 I personally prefer clomid and I feel it is the fastest for restoring natural testosterone production and that is the most important aspect for retaining gains in PCT. I feel nolva is better employed for estrogen control. However they work differently for everyone and nolva protocols (usually 40/40/20/20 or 20/20/20/20) are very common and successful.
Dosing on clomid varies depending on who you ask, I am a fan of dosing 100+mg for the first couple days and then tapering down to 50mg for the rest of the 28 day PCT period; some people are susceptible to the emotional sides of clomid and do not bother with doses that high, but run 50mg for 4 weeks. Both methods work! I always dose SERMs before going to sleep, as estrogenic activity is reported to be highest while you sleep.

AIs: I have never incorporated an AI into my PCT but they can be used in conjunction with a SERM, they just need to be used strategically. For instance I think it is important that an AI be tapered down so as to reduce any estrogen rebound effect.

Extras: I think the gains made from SD are usually hard to keep and the more extras you can throw into PCT, the better. Some people love running cortisol blockers, some people run their cycle support supplements through PCT, some people like to throw in creatine as soon as their PCT starts, some people use Resveratrol or 6-bromo based testosterone boosters during or after their PCT. I think "more is better" is appropriate to a certain extent, in the end it becomes personal choice.
To be honest, my PCT's are usually very light. A SERM + something random and extra. Most supplements don't work great for me... That's why I'm in the steroid section here...

Keeping Gains: the most important thing for keeping gains in PCT is to keep on the diet and training and try not to get demotivated when you see strength dry up. You WILL lose strength when you come off of SD and you WILL lose weight. If you don't lose any weight at all, you can be sure that you're holding a lot of water or adding fat. Keep the training up, and NEVER lower your calories during PCT, that is the surest way to lose everything you just worked for. Currently, my approach is to use solid doses of clomid to raise natural test as quickly as possible, keep cals the same as on cycle, and keep plugging away at the same routine/same exercises as on cycle. This may not work for everyone but I seem to do better at keeping strength if i keep doing the same exercises. If i see a lift decreasing in PCT and decide to switch it out, I will tend to find that the lift has suffered greatly when I come back to it.


Dec 27, 2011
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i plan to run this with boladrol and 6 bromo to add some strength and size..........should be interesting.....all legal and all potent for bodybuilding.


SI Founding Member
Dec 21, 2011
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I ran boladrol once, didn't really see much from it. It was still kinda new then and it hadn't been really set in stone on how to use it so I was trying to bulk...seems to me it might be more of a cutter.

PVL what is your take on it? You looking at a recomp?


SI Founding Member
Dec 16, 2011
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boladrol sux. i thought bola was to bulk???


Dec 27, 2011
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yeah dude, i am getting the effect of maybe primobolan or a anavar type after day one at 2 caps....

decent relaxed workout, seeing what this can do for me as i try to lean out a lot morebut maintain the same weight yeah! i am around 15% honestly with no hormones added the past 5 years and this pro hormonemight be good for other types of people. i am starting to look at these prohormones in mucher larger context now. maybe older men could take it just to stay leaner like others do with injects? you only have to workout maybe 3 days a week with minimal cardio and keep a decent physique. what if these are the answer for elder men going through andropause?

i am young which isnt good i sorta need these to feel normal. i guess my body is so used to a high test level it doesnt feel right when its baseline to a doctors standpoint. i think it is more of a better well being nowadays and doctors can not be blinded to old science.

id say a lot more, but i ramble


Dec 27, 2011
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i think its alright, i really want to get a lot leaner and nothing illegal. i want to appeal to the over 25 crowd who may not like the drop in total test from when they were say 18-19. i feel good on these and not aggressive at all. i prefer them right now.

bola is like i said maybe a cross from primo and anavar on size, more hardener. no crazy strength gains, just decent pump. realizing you have to understand what your body needs.


SI Founding Member
Dec 21, 2011
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That is a decent assessment I guess. When I ran it I was under the impression it was great on size and strength so that's how I tried to treat it. If I tried to run it again I would do it differently, definitely style my workouts for volume versus strength.
I love the pump some PH's can give me (like superdrol!)

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