Started doing lower body 3x per week - having a hard time with squats


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
I’ve tried low bar and high bar

Sometimes I feel my inner thigh is at fault . Like I feel is weak .... I mean I do focus on pushing with my heels

I’ve never really performed any inner tigh exercises other than ya know

i didint think it would’ve been an important muscle

Your adductors play a major role in squatting. Keep squatting, they'll get stronger. You don't need the extra good girl/bad girl machines, biggest bang for your buck will be squats and variations of, deadlifts and other hip extension exercises like glute bridges or 45° hip extensions, lunges and their variations.

You've stated in another thread that you perform Bulg Split Squats with DBs. This exercise lights up my glutes like no other. I'd suggest, if you don't already, to perform them holding only ONE db on the side of your front leg, and holding onto a rack or something else for support with your off hand.

This will give you MUCH more stability, and will allow you to push this great exercise much, much harder. Don't be afraid to go to failure, you won't get hurt doing that on this exercise, and will let you know how far you can really push the effort