Blaming the bloat on AAS/estrogen

Jan 17, 2022
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Admittedly I’ve fallen victim to this notion of whatever water retention I experience on a given day is automatically correlated with estrogen or maybe my test dose is too high. Although AAS induced water retention is a real thing, is it that big of a deal? I mean given you’re not competing or anything, would the difference be awfully noticeable to anyone but yourself?

I’ve come to realize that most of my water retention issues have been mostly attributed to shitty diet and hydration. This has got me thinking of many threads I see of guys experiencing similar issues and using an ai as their first resort, almost like a knee jerk reaction.

So this begs the question, which I probably asked in another thread, (I can’t remember) can one mitigate most of the water issue just from tweaking diet and other lifestyle factors, perhaps examining blood pressure? Personally, since running higher test and letting my e2 rise I do look softer, however I’ve also gotten leaner and fuller.

So maybe this entire issue is a matter of ...idk not being fat?


Super Duper Elite
Oct 18, 2021
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Water retention is a pretty individual response, but I’d tend to agree that it can mostly be mitigated by adjusting your diet.

Whether water retention is concerning or not really depends on your blood pressure. If the edema is causing your BP to spike, it’s an issue. As far as moon face goes, that’s only damaging to your ego.

As with anything, throwing medications at an issue absent diagnostic testing is irresponsible.
Jan 17, 2022
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Water retention is a pretty individual response, but I’d tend to agree that it can mostly be mitigated by adjusting your diet.

Whether water retention is concerning or not really depends on your blood pressure. If the edema is causing your BP to spike, it’s an issue. As far as moon face goes, that’s only damaging to your ego.

As with anything, throwing medications at an issue without diagnostic testing is irresponsible.
For me, it doesn’t matter whether I have e2 of 5 or 60pg/ml if I eat like shit my face will look like a balloon. Reading through my journal and diet logs definitely helped in finding my diet as the #1 common culprit. My worst look and feeling was when both my test and e2 we’re crashed to shit, not to say those factors heavily contributed, because I was also binging daily on Pizza Hut


SI Founding Member
May 30, 2012
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For me, it doesn’t matter whether I have e2 of 5 or 60pg/ml if I eat like shit my face will look like a balloon. Reading through my journal and diet logs definitely helped in finding my diet as the #1 common culprit. My worst look and feeling was when both my test and e2 we’re crashed to shit, not to say those factors heavily contributed, because I was also binging daily on Pizza Hut
I brought the question about the "Moon Face" to one of the forums a few years back. I've never had any issues to deal with so when my son came to me about his girl telling him his face was getting fat I wanted to get him some answers.

Can't remember which compounds he was running at the time but for sure Test was the base of his cycle. The general consensus at the time(after discussing diet etc) was that .5mg of Arimidex every 3rd day to start would probably do the trick. Turned out the guys were correct. Moon Face was history.

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