1/12 Bloodwork.


Senior Member
Sep 29, 2022
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I did an ostarine cycle that ended beginning of last September. No pct. Felt fine since. New job started and I've been fucking off with diet/training for over year now. Getting fat. Started cleaning up the diet (getting rid of the high fat/carb junk) and focusing on cardio while also dropping the lifting volume. My goal is to get to 15-17% BF and start my first testosterone cycle. Decided to get some bloods pulled see how bad things are currently.
I'd don't see anything on here that I can't fix with diet aside from the sex hormones, which I'm guessing would respond well to traditional trt regiments (t,hcg). Going to start pricing out clinics in the area. I had already found a UG lab I was pretty stoked on but now that I have insurance and a medical reason I might just get a script. Anyone who's been in this situation and can offer suggestions or insight would be helpful. Is there anything I'm missing or this pretty cut and dry "you need to clean up the diet and start trt".

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