Newb needs help bulking up... Workouts, nutrition, supplements etc

Jan 22, 2014
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I'm a complete newb to all of this sorry just looking for help trying to bulk up and gain mass. I have free weights at home that consist of barbells, dumbbells and a weights bench with incline/decline and leg extensions. Can someone help me out regarding :

Workouts - any routines or programs? Also how much reps and sets I should be doing? And how much rest in between reps and days off to rest?

Nutrition - what should I be eating too gain mass etc

Supplements - what are the best supplements out there to take. I already have creatine tablets.

Many thanks

Dec 17, 2013
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Welcome to ugbb buddy. If I were u bud I would first look around at the many threads that are available here and do a little research. We have a lot of great people here who r willing to help answer questions, but I really do recommend that u do a little research first. You'll b amazed on how much knowledge u can obtain just by doin a little homework. Great to have u here and good luck.
Dec 17, 2013
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Just a little advice I would start off with the main compound movements that build thickness and mass, especially when starting ur foundation. These movements are squats, deadlift, bench press and military press. By doin these u should have a good program to start on. Nutrition wise, eat tons of protein! Lean beef, fish, chicken, eggs etc......Healthy carbs as well which consists of oatmeal, brown rice, yams, red potatoes, wheat bread, wheat pasta etc..I think with supplements all u really need is whey and casein protein, bcaas, multi vitamin and maybe even a pre workout drink. I only recommend the pre workout drink if u absolutely think u need it cuz a lot of people don't do to well on them. Im sure im missing a TON of other things as well but at least bud u can get an overall idea on the basics.Oh sorry and yes creatine is great as well :32 (1):


Jan 22, 2014
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stats? I'm assuming u r skinny as hell since u mentioned bulking up...I know the feeling.

figure out your TDEE and aim for that plus 500cal/day, make sure you're getting enough protein. the lazy way to gain mass is to drink a gallon of milk a day on top of your normal diet - rough on the stomach and complexion however :(
so long as you're eating above maintenance, you will gain mass, but read the other threads for more precise answers.

strong lifts and starting strength are both excellent beginner programs that focus on steadily increasing weight. I suggest u buy the starting strength book since it gives u a very thorough explanation of each movement along with common errors and how to correct them.

both of those are great since u only learn 5 movements and get to focus on form. it's way more valuable to do 5 movements correctly than to know 100 shitty movements from men's health.

good luck!


SI Founding Member
Oct 3, 2012
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Stats? Compound movements are always your friend. Eat over your maintenance and lift like a mofo.


Senior Member
Nov 28, 2013
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i posted this in someone elses thread that i did for them , nutrition eat big, supplements are just supplements if youre eating fuk ton you dont need to take supps (personal opinion), heres a good workout program, i follow it and have a buncha other people follow it, every body part is in the 12-16set range for the most part

-warm up
-light set of flies to warm up 3x10
-flat bench (dumbbell or barbbell, whichever more comf with) 3-5 sets of 6-9 reps increase weight with set
-incline bench (dumbbell or barbbell) 3-5 sets 6-9 reps build up to a 3-5 set, on last set do superset, do set, drop weight do set drop weight etc
-Dips (if you cant do these do assisted ones with the machine added weight) 3-5 sets, lean forward to work chest,, do as many as you can, drop weight if need be
Comment, if doing dumbbells, kick them back as if your doing hammer curls and once you're on your back you can put ur arms out, otherwise ur shoulders will hurt in longer run so instead of kicking dumbbells and leaning back with your arms <> have them ^^ should take anywhere from 25-45 minutes, 9 to 15 sets, YOLO

DAY 2 Back
-Bent over rows (arch back, pull arms all the way up to lower stomach, lower slowly, raise etc reverse grip) start off with bar and slowly add weight, do 4-6 sets 6-8 reps
-Lat pull down (or pull up if you can do them) 3 sets 6-8 reps
Barbbell row 4-6 sets 6-8 reps
-Upright row 4 sets, 10-12 reps
-cable face pulls (put cable at heightest it go, grab the ropes so the circle things at end of rope face out, pull the center of the rope to ur face (google it!) ) 4 sets
-deadlift, burnout, do as many as you can , dont go to heavy, just do 1 big set till you cant do anymore 15+
Comment, keep your lower back tight on bent over rows, barbbell rows, deadlifts etc, chest out, butt out, also when you do the rows as you pull towards you restract your shoulders back, otherwise its fake and gay, should take you 30-1hr to do it all

-Warm up
*light cable curls, tricep pulldown till warmed up
-Hammer curl 3x10
-dips (don't lean forward, focuses more on tricep) 3x10
-Reverse grip curl (forearms + 1/2 bicep heads) 3x10
- close grip bench press (works triceps) 3x10
-seated curls (or preacher curls) 3x10
-barbbell or dumbbell skull crushers x10
-farmers walk (pick up heavy as you can dumbbells, while standing up straight just hold untill grip gives out, improves grips plus works forearms, with lighter weight u cant really drop it but after like 80+ if you drop it, it doesn't bounce around but keep your feet together if u gonna drop it)

-Warm up
* light weight (like 10-30 pounds) on leg extension machine, go for like 30 reps, 2-3 sets till you feel warmed up
Squats 3-5 sets 6-10 reps
Stiff legged deadlift ( can bend legs in a bit when doing it, google it, theres pictures) 3-5 sets 6-10 reps
Standing calve raises (Stand on very top of ur tippy toe, then slowly go down where your heel cant touch the floor anymore) 4 sets 10-15 reps
Reverse calve raise ( go to a leg extension machine, put dumbbell between ur feet, point your legs out so their straight out, bend your foot forward (all the way) then backwards (not your leg, your feeeeet)) 3 sets, 10-15 reps
Leg curl - 3 sets of 10 reps (1 set = 10 reps, dropped weight 8 reps, dropped weight 5 reps, no breaks)
Leg extensions 3 sets, burnout, (1 set = heavy to a point where you cant do it anymore, drop by half rep out more (even if legs dont go fully out, if it hurts, its working), drop weight rep out a shit ton, half reps, quarter reps 1/8th reps all count, so long as it hurts its working but the less motion ones count for finishing it off before dropping weight,, keep dropping weight till you get to like 15 pounds.... should be over 30 reps in 1 set, take a minute breaking & go back at it
Inner thigh machine (if you have it) 3 sets 10 reps
outter thigh machine (if you got it) 3 sets, 10 reps

Day 5 Shoulders
Warm up
*rotator cuff warm ups
Smith machine seated shoulder press 4-5 sets 6-10 reps
Standing barbbell or seated dumbbell shoulder press 3 sets 6-10 reps
Lat raises 4-6 sets 10 reps (pinky out, i can show you) (med delts)
front raises 3-4 sets 10 reps (front delts)
face pulls 4 sets 10 reps (rear deltS)
upright row 4 sets 10 reps


Nov 26, 2013
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Lift all the weights in the gym

Ground beef and rice
Peanut butter