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Lady Member
Jan 14, 2020
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Hey there, couldn't think of a username so I went with a Thieves Guild member, I'll roll with it.

I'm a fat ass. My whole family's composed of fatasses and we love to cook and eat. I started getting knee problems at 25 and originally lurked the steroids and fat burner sections. I knew immediately those weren't for me; I've played too many games to know that cheating your way in is nowhere near as satisfying as earning your way in. The last straw was seeing my great grandmother die horribly after years of doing shitty diets and taking diet pills that caused her to internally hemorrhage in the end. It was bad.

I used to be pretty active, don't get me wrong: I like walking, I like lifting, but depression and a lack of luster in life sucked out the enjoyment of everything, including the hobbies I grew up with. I used to walk to and from home and do errands on foot, no matter how grueling it was, but now I take the bus and eat like shit, grades are tanking and prospects are looking bleak, but that all ****s off when I exercise.

I always wanted a fitness family in a way, but I'll never get that with my fat family. Infact, my fat family is how I got fat in the first place, so I figured I'd get a fitness family another way.

That's all I can think of for an introduction, apologies if I ****ed up somehow.

Sex: F
Age: 25
Height: 5'1
Weight: 177-ish (last time I weighed myself I was in the early 60s, scale broke so I'm aiming high)


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Welcome to the family.

Start bettering yourself today. Pick 1 good habit that you'll definitely be able to stick to, make it a habit, check off that box and move into the next one.

You got this.


Senior Member
Dec 8, 2019
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Welcome. There's lot's of great info here on diet and training, or if you want a good laugh you can get it here too.


Aug 22, 2019
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Welcome Cynric, make today day1. It starts now! Set small goals, achieve them, set new one’s. You can keep your family, just try and break away from some of there bad habits, lol! We’ll, welcome to this family ,lots of knowledge and support here. Start by reading lots of nutrition tips on here. Good to have ya girl.


Viking King
Apr 9, 2019
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Welcome to the Underground, we’re here for you. You will achieve your goals, the only thing in your way is excuses.


Aug 20, 2019
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Welcome to your new fitness family! Lots of great fellas here!


Senior Member
Dec 22, 2019
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Welcome to UG my lady...this is the place where the "Fatass"(so you called), turns into a Fitass. First, you've got to be patient & read as much as you can about exercise, nutritional diet. You must learn how to crawl before you can walk. more thing, do not depend on the scale too much because it can deceive you. Remember weigh more than fat. So good luck with your journey.


Lady Member
Jan 14, 2020
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Dunno how to multi-quote but thank you for the well-wishes, glad to actually be here instead of lurking :32 (20):


Retired UG Staff
Jan 20, 2017
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Dunno how to multi-quote but thank you for the well-wishes, glad to actually be here instead of lurking :32 (20):

Carton quote bubble with the + sign next to it underneath each post.
Jan 11, 2020
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Hello and welcome.

So, I read your into. Have you ever considered eating low carbs? I think that might be the answer for you, as far as the excess fat on your body. You can either use it as a "diet" to get to your goal weight while you workout and get fit (you don't want to be leaner and look soft, do you?) or adopt it as a way of eating, as I have.

Not trying to get too much into the physiology, but from what I've learned over time, people get fat not necessarily because they eat too much, although many do. It's that too many of the calories that they eat turn to fat instead of being used as energy for the body. We have these insulin receptors on our muscles which allow glucose to enter the cell to be used as energy. Think of how bb's do a carb up before a show. The reason your muscles get bigger from a carb up is all the water AND GLUCOSE being shuttled into the muscle cell. This is one of the actions of insulin. Also, I've learned that for 90% (my guess) of the population, these receptors are resistant to this action of insulin, to one degree or another. Some more, some less. For you guys who use insulin for show prep, do you use metformin also to up regulate your receptors? I'm just guessing, but that's the mechanism that I'm talking about.

So, if you're insulin resistant and eating 40-50% of your diet as carbs, a good amount of the carb calories are getting stored as fat. That's all that your body can do with them. And, the longer this goes on, the more resistant these receptors get until they start shutting down...what doctors like to call pre-diabetes. Really, it's just mild diabetes, but they don't like to call it that because there's no "cure" for it. Because diabetes really isn't a disease, it's a natural state! We're just being told to eat the wrong form of energy for most people's bodies to process correctly, which gets more and more difficult the longer we do it. That's diabetes. Take out the carbs and start burning fat as energy instead of carbs (sugar) and all of that goes away. You're then using a second (I believe the primary) energy system in the body and taking insulin out of the equation almost completely. One thing to consider. There's one compound in the body that controls fat storage. That's insulin. Take it out of the equation and fat storage becomes very difficult.

After reading Dan Duchaine's book over 20 years ago and living it for most of that time, I can say that low carbs works for me. I've diet coached for periods of time and all of my former clients and lots of my current friends have had great success with low carb eating. I have a female friend in VT who's down over 100lbs since Jan '19 and still going. She wants to get back to the 135 lbs she was at before a severe back injury and time caused her to get up to 300lbs at 5'8"!! Do some research, but don't get confused by all the BS info out there!! If you decide to take the plunge, I'll help you get started. It's the easiest and fastest way that I know to lose fat naturally.

Regardless, welcome and I hope you reach your goals!!
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SI Founding Member
Jul 9, 2012
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welcome to the club ! good luck with your diet! .... maybe start by giving up bread ! baby steps.


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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Hello and welcome.

So, I read your into. Have you ever considered eating low carbs? I think that might be the answer for you, as far as the excess fat on your body. You can either use it as a "diet" to get to your goal weight while you workout and get fit (you don't want to be leaner and look soft, do you?) or adopt it as a way of eating, as I have.

Not trying to get too much into the physiology, but from what I've learned over time, people get fat not necessarily because they eat too much, although many do. It's that too many of the calories that they eat turn to fat instead of being used as energy for the body. We have these insulin receptors on our muscles which allow glucose to enter the cell to be used as energy. Think of how bb's do a carb up before a show. The reason your muscles get bigger from a carb up is all the water AND GLUCOSE being shuttled into the muscle cell. This is one of the actions of insulin. Also, I've learned that for 90% (my guess) of the population, these receptors are resistant to this action of insulin, to one degree or another. Some more, some less. For you guys who use insulin for show prep, do you use metformin also to up regulate your receptors? I'm just guessing, but that's the mechanism that I'm talking about.

So, if you're insulin resistant and eating 40-50% of your diet as carbs, a good amount of the carb calories are getting stored as fat. That's all that your body can do with them. And, the longer this goes on, the more resistant these receptors get until they start shutting down...what doctors like to call pre-diabetes. Really, it's just mild diabetes, but they don't like to call it that because there's no "cure" for it. Because diabetes really isn't a disease, it's a natural state! We're just being told to eat the wrong form of energy for most people's bodies to process correctly, which gets more and more difficult the longer we do it. That's diabetes. Take out the carbs and start burning fat as energy instead of carbs (sugar) and all of that goes away. You're then using a second (I believe the primary) energy system in the body and taking insulin out of the equation almost completely. One thing to consider. There's one compound in the body that controls fat storage. That's insulin. Take it out of the equation and fat storage becomes very difficult.

After reading Dan Duchaine's book over 20 years ago and living it for most of that time, I can say that low carbs works for me. I've diet coached for periods of time and all of my former clients and lots of my current friends have had great success with low carb eating. I have a female friend in VT who's down over 100lbs since Jan '19 and still going. She wants to get back to the 135 lbs she was at before a severe back injury and time caused her to get up to 300lbs at 5'8"!! Do some research, but don't get confused by all the BS info out there!! If you decide to take the plunge, I'll help you get started. It's the easiest and fastest way that I know to lose fat naturally.

Regardless, welcome and I hope you reach your goals!!

So based upon this post, all vegans/vegetarians must be some fat fukks, since they get a huge percentage of their calories from carbohydrate.

Maybe there is something to that whole Cals in vs Cals out thing after all.

Jan 11, 2020
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I don't know how many calories most vegans/vegetarians eat, but the one's I know are still fat. I know you see these really skinny people on IG and stuff, but I think they're the exception. The 10% who have good insulin sensitivity. My younger brother is 53 and still has a body like Bruce Lee. He eats anything he wants to. But, they are not the norm in the population.

I guess based on your premise, the only way to get leaner is to have a calorie deficit based on calories taken in. I KNOW that's not the case, at least for me and people I've worked with. Calories in vs. calories out is too simplistic a view. Also, is "burning" them out the only way to get rid of calories? No, I don't think so. I would say "processing" them is more accurate. "Calories out" implies that all calories, regardless of type, are used the same way by the body, as some sort of energy. I don't believe that to be the case. Is a protein calorie used the same way as a carb calorie or a fat calorie? Not in my opinion. It's the same logic that says if you don't eat fat, you won't get fat. Creating a calorie deficit WILL allow a person to lose weight. But, how much? The body will step in at some point, slow down your metabolism and the weight loss stops. Also, is it all fat? We know that's not the case. Look at how much muscle a BB loses cutting for a show. The body will scavenge protein, as well as use fat, to make up the deficit. Also, it's not sustainable. Not eating is harder than almost anything else because it's a survival mechanism. I remember being on 1400 calories a day back in the mid '90's trying to cut and it sucked! I remember working out and not even being able to get a pump. And, once you up calories again, you'll eventually start putting on fat.

Body Opus was written for competitive bodybuilders. In the book, Dan Duchaine says that most elite competitive BB's have great genetics, including great insulin sensitivity. He wrote the book for everyone else who wants to get lean and get on stage. After reading his book and doing LOTS of research on human physiology, I'm pretty comfortable with my ideas on why most people are fat. Consider two points. We, as Americans, are eating less meat, less fat, more grains, more fruits and veggies, but we're fatter and sicker as a nation than in the 50's and 60's when we ate more meat, more fat and less carbs. Then, there's the French Paradox. Fatty dishes and sauces, but leaner and healthier. Point #2...there are essential fatty acids that if we don't get, we'll literally die. Same with essential amino acids. Have you ever heard of an essential carb, in any form? For you Evolutionists (not trying to insult you Creationists), think of a bear eating carbs all summer and getting fat (I'm not a vet, but my guess is that bears have insulin, too), then hibernating all winter and living off it's fat (essentially going into ketosis and burning fat as energy) and coming out skinny in the spring. It's essentially the same process, without the sleeping and starving.

Look, I'm not trying to convert anyone here. do you, I'll do me. But, for people who have been fat all their lives, I think I have some answers for you, if you're interested. I was never super fat, but 220, untrained at 5'10" sucked! Before I found low carbs, I was around 200 lbs at 15% fat. Not bad, but not what i wanted. I was almost 40 when I discovered low carbs. I'd been reading Dan Duchaine's column in Bill Phillip's mag, Muscle Media 2000, before he went mainstream. It was super hard core back then. Duchaine was THE guru to all the top guys in the sport. If you haven't read his book, I think anyone will learn a ton of new stuff about getting lean from it.
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Dec 14, 2013
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Welcome to the board. Get in the gym and make it a habit. Lots of great info out here.


Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
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I don't want to hijack a new member's intro thread ThatFitGuy, but if you want to copy and paste what was said earlier, and start a new thread, we can have a friendly debate about the topic.

It could be fun, people could learn some things.

But... If you're going to go with that only 10% of vegetarians aren't overweight because the other 90% lost their insulin sensitivity and are overweight as a result, good luck sir!

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