51 year old on a continuing cycle. Thoughts?

Nov 28, 2017
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I am 51 years old. Not new to bodybuilding but I have been out of serious bodybuilding for 15 years or more. I got divorced recently and got my ass back in the gym. I started training and it just wasn't happening and I knew at my age I needed help. I went to a timeless doctor who gave me full blood work and determined I could probably use a boost of testosterone and also vitamins D and Zinc. This is the regimen she has me on.

Day 1 - 200 mg test cypionate and .5 mg BPC-157

Day 2 - .5 mg BPC-157

Day 3 - .5 mg BPC-157 and 1mg Anastrazole

Day 4 - .5 mg BPC-157

Day 5 - .5 mg BPC-157 and 1mg Anastrazole

Day 6 - HCG or HCI at calculated is 10 mcg and .5 mg BPC-157

Day 7 - HCG or HCI at calculated is 10 mcg and .5 mg BPC-157

Occasionally the doctor will give me my test before its actually time to fill and I will crank it up to 400 mg a week but I don't want to push getting them filled to irregular and losing my privileges. At one time I had a source where I was getting test also and I had my test up to 600 mg a week and I was really noticing some gains, but I no longer have that source. Am I wasting my time at this low of a dosage of 200 mg a week? I started back in July and I have gained 10 lbs and lost an inch or 2 in my waist, but like I said I was using higher dosages. I asked my doctor for Deca but she refused and gave me BPC-157 for joint pain. I pay 170 for a vial of test but it is necessary since I work on ships and have to bring my gear to work.

I understand the nutritional part of this. I eat 400 grams of protein a day if not more. I take a shit load of vitamins including B12 injections and D as well as the zinc. I wish I could get my water intake up to where it needs to be, but I am working on that. I train very hard with very little rest to add the cardio effect. I also speed walk 5 days a week for an hour.

Anyway, whatever suggestions you may have I would appreciate them.

This must cost you a fortune. Id run the test all alone.


Jul 16, 2018
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I agree with everyone else, and I have to say, and I mean no offense, but I would seriously question any doctor that has you on 2mg of Anastrozole per week. Even if, and that's if, you need it, it might call for .25 mg 2x per week, maybe 3x in the extreme case.

Also, bear in mind that, if you have high body fat now, and are converting test to estrogen at a higher level, that will become less as your body fat decreases, and you will need to dial back or drop the AI.

I discovered that last part the hard way by crashing my estrogen, which is not pleasant.


Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
I agree with everyone else, and I have to say, and I mean no offense, but I would seriously question any doctor that has you on 2mg of Anastrozole per week. Even if, and that's if, you need it, it might call for .25 mg 2x per week, maybe 3x in the extreme case.

Also, bear in mind that, if you have high body fat now, and are converting test to estrogen at a higher level, that will become less as your body fat decreases, and you will need to dial back or drop the AI.

I discovered that last part the hard way by crashing my estrogen, which is not pleasant.

His doc is a female, my 1st one was also until I fired her.

Not all but most seem to not get it at all!
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Senior Member
Sep 18, 2020
Reaction score
Use myfitnesspal, its a great app for your phone you can either type or scan the barcode if food items. Itll automatically track the macros and other stuff on the nutrition table

400g of protein powder a day, how do you digest that? Id have shits like an infant eating mexican food.

Do you take any vitamins or creatine? Dont know if this a dumb question, taken your experience in this.
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Dec 12, 2020
Reaction score
I am 51 years old. Not new to bodybuilding but I have been out of serious bodybuilding for 15 years or more. I got divorced recently and got my ass back in the gym. I started training and it just wasn't happening and I knew at my age I needed help. I went to a timeless doctor who gave me full blood work and determined I could probably use a boost of testosterone and also vitamins D and Zinc. This is the regimen she has me on.

Day 1 - 200 mg test cypionate and .5 mg BPC-157

Day 2 - .5 mg BPC-157

Day 3 - .5 mg BPC-157 and 1mg Anastrazole

Day 4 - .5 mg BPC-157

Day 5 - .5 mg BPC-157 and 1mg Anastrazole

Day 6 - HCG or HCI at calculated is 10 mcg and .5 mg BPC-157

Day 7 - HCG or HCI at calculated is 10 mcg and .5 mg BPC-157

Occasionally the doctor will give me my test before its actually time to fill and I will crank it up to 400 mg a week but I don't want to push getting them filled to irregular and losing my privileges. At one time I had a source where I was getting test also and I had my test up to 600 mg a week and I was really noticing some gains, but I no longer have that source. Am I wasting my time at this low of a dosage of 200 mg a week? I started back in July and I have gained 10 lbs and lost an inch or 2 in my waist, but like I said I was using higher dosages. I asked my doctor for Deca but she refused and gave me BPC-157 for joint pain. I pay 170 for a vial of test but it is necessary since I work on ships and have to bring my gear to work.

I understand the nutritional part of this. I eat 400 grams of protein a day if not more. I take a shit load of vitamins including B12 injections and D as well as the zinc. I wish I could get my water intake up to where it needs to be, but I am working on that. I train very hard with very little rest to add the cardio effect. I also speed walk 5 days a week for an hour.

Anyway, whatever suggestions you may have I would appreciate them.

Hey, Buddy!

You and I are from the same exact city, bro! I take it we might be from around the same area - I am from the East, so maybe so maybe no? Anyhow, where do you lift at? I used to lift at Curetons back in the day and I loved it - it used to be out on Metairie Rd. I am not sure how long you've been on it but I know what the guys are saying about the Arimidex (Anastrazole) as I didn't have to take any until I was about 6 months into my TRT (200mg's per week). I only needed it because I was injecting only once per week like you are right now and I was given .5mg twice per week - If I could suggest, buddy - get your Estradiol (e2) checked and make sure it isn't tanked because it will kill your libido, ability to put on lean tissue as efficiently, etc...

As far as you wanting to take a bit more - You haven't cycled in over 15 years, so this is all newbie gains for you, buddy! You don't need 400mg's or especially 500mg's of test for a freaking cycle! I did something similar when I was on for a few months - I had bought some test dosed at 250mg/ml (20ml) and I went up to taking 450mg per week, and realized I felt so much better but it was because I was spreading out my dose to twice weekly instead of just once.

If you don't mind me saying so, split your dose of test into twice or more a week even though it is cyp - it will stay much more level and you will end up feeling about 100x's better with just being on 200mg/wk. I actually cut mine down to 160mg/week and I am feeling even better now than I was on 200mg! Also, bring the Anastrozole (unless you are having side effects) down to .5mg on days you inject - try .25mg but .5 I find to be quite nice and completely cuts out any fears of gyno formation. Check your Estradiol though, brother!

I am starting to pin every other day and I am using just regular 25g pins to do it - it works very easily, the 1 inch pins are more than sufficient if you aren't injecting more than 2ml or so and you get much less scar tissue going 1 inch with 25g than 22 or 23g 1.5 in twice or three times per week. Out of curiosity - what is your total T right now? I know mine sits over 1500ng/dl even on only 160mg/week - I have to be on HRT because of the medications I take due to a terrible injury I suffered (and others resulting from that) over a decade ago. If you keep it down around 1,000ng/dl - I think you will feel better as I did when I dropped from 200mg down to 160 and now to about 120mg.

I have done so much research on my own and my background in reading studies has really helped me with this, but as some guys suggested to me - instead of adding other stuff to your stack, just get your serum levels straight and more than anything - regardless of what your serum levels read, some people might feel great at 700ng/dl while others might feel like shit with anything lower than 900 or so because it all depends on DHT:T:E ratio - go by how you are feeling and adjust from there. Make sure to have your bloods checked, brother!

I hope to talk to you later and I would be happy to give you my email or whatever if you wanna chat.We can talk the shitty luck we (Saints fans) have had lately or how the Tigers are doing or whatever you might want, buddy! Also - remember, because you have that script, you can put whatever you would like in that box and bring it with you if you choose to do so down the line!

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Mod Squad
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
Why do you hate carbs so much? :32 (18):

You'll have much better workouts if you replace some of that excess protein with carbohydrate.

If you're worried about getting fat, well don't. As long as you're training and in a caloric deficit you're fine(that goes for any macro), but glucose(carbohydrate) is fuel for your body, like gasoline for your muscles. Don't be scared!!!


Apr 1, 2017
Reaction score
Protein is waaaaaay to high. Even at 275, I didn't even go to 300g per day. At 250-255, I stay at less than 250. Unless you want to kill your organs, drop this 400 nonsense in half. This 2g per pound ridiculousness is bro science. You can't even digest that and your turds become petrified wood while tearing your arsehole.

While I completely understand that carbs and fat are stored more easily in the body as fat, I also agree with SFG that excess protein absolutely can be stored to fat. Once you body takes in enough of any macro, its getting stored and/or pooped out.

The more concerning part of your whole post, stop taking your AI(Arimidex}immediately. At 200mg/wk of test, if you need it at all, you are likely overweight which would point to the obvious that you need to focus on diet. You will find out in blood test which I am hoping that your moron doctor has already scheduled for you as a follow-up to prescribing testosterone. If not, have him/her put an order in for bloodwork so you can see where your estrogen levels are compared to were they were before being prescribed testosterone.

An addon to the 200mg of test part of my post, that is not really a cycle. While higher than you really should be taking long term, on a weekly basis, it still isn't much more than just replacing your natural testosterone production. You level will likely be in the 1000-1200 range ballpark when you should be around 700-800 which unless you had low testosterone to start with, really isn't going to help much in the way of building muscle.

The last thing I will say is that if you haven't lifted in 15 years, a cycle should be the farthest thing from your mind. Get back in the gym(which it sounds like you have), get a good diet program in place(400g of protein is way off) and start living the lifestyle.

I always like to hear of people getting back in the gym. In the states where most Americans are fat, out of shape pieces of shit, I applaud everyone who makes the choice to grab their life by balls and not be a statistic. Keep at at and watch you life get better.



Ski bum
Jan 9, 2018
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I know its been said but that adex dose is wrong wrong wrong. Id get a doctor that better understands what's going on ..welcome to the ug


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2020
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Well we can’t suggest diet unless I know whether you want to gain weight, lose weight or maintain.

As far as getting women: confidence and humor are about 10x more important than physique (unless your just absolutely gross).

Being fit helps with our confidence which is probably the main path through which we gain female attention, as opposed to them just getting wet by looking at us.

Sounds like a fun plan no matter how you slice it.

I’ll stand by my recommendation that 400g+ of protein cannot be justified. Drop the shakes and eat some almonds instead.

I want to gain muscle and cut fat and yes I am having fun.
Nov 28, 2017
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300 every 10 weeks. the BPC I don't buy from her.

Thats why I switched to self administered. Through insurance there were too many rules, numbers had to be lower than I cared for plus the doctor I had just didn't understand it well enough. Through a clinic it was expensive.

Today I spend about a 10th of what you're spending and a vial lasts 10 weeks. Sometimes longer if I buy it in higher concentration (300mg/ml).

Id cut the ai almost to none, if not none and forget the rest. Test is all you need.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2020
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I agree with everyone else, and I have to say, and I mean no offense, but I would seriously question any doctor that has you on 2mg of Anastrozole per week. Even if, and that's if, you need it, it might call for .25 mg 2x per week, maybe 3x in the extreme case.

Also, bear in mind that, if you have high body fat now, and are converting test to estrogen at a higher level, that will become less as your body fat decreases, and you will need to dial back or drop the AI.

I discovered that last part the hard way by crashing my estrogen, which is not pleasant.

correction on the dosages. I have 1mg tablets but she has me splitting them in half so I take .5 mg 2 times per week. I didn't think it was necessary at all, because back in the day I never using it and I was on doses of 800mg total.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2020
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His doc is a female, my 1st one was also until I fired her.

Not all but most seem to not get it at all!

She is actually an NP but the doctor she works under is a man and a bodybuilder. I am certain he comes up with these regimens not her.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2020
Reaction score
Use myfitnesspal, its a great app for your phone you can either type or scan the barcode if food items. Itll automatically track the macros and other stuff on the nutrition table

400g of protein powder a day, how do you digest that? Id have shits like an infant eating mexican food.

Do you take any vitamins or creatine? Dont know if this a dumb question, taken your experience in this.

I eat real food too. about 100 grams comes from the protein powders and collagen powder.
I take a shit load of vitamins. L-carnitine, collagen, fish oil, zinc, D/K, Probiotic, milk thistle and peak. Don't forget my age bro. My amino acids come from my shakes. What amino do you recommend?


Senior Member
Sep 18, 2020
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I eat real food too. about 100 grams comes from the protein powders and collagen powder.
I take a shit load of vitamins. L-carnitine, collagen, fish oil, zinc, D/K, Probiotic, milk thistle and peak. Don't forget my age bro. My amino acids come from my shakes. What amino do you recommend?
Youre too rich my blood, I just stick to the minimum. You got more figured out than me lol.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2020
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Hey, Buddy!

You and I are from the same exact city, bro! I take it we might be from around the same area - I am from the East, so maybe so maybe no? Anyhow, where do you lift at? I used to lift at Curetons back in the day and I loved it - it used to be out on Metairie Rd. I am not sure how long you've been on it but I know what the guys are saying about the Arimidex (Anastrazole) as I didn't have to take any until I was about 6 months into my TRT (200mg's per week). I only needed it because I was injecting only once per week like you are right now and I was given .5mg twice per week - If I could suggest, buddy - get your Estradiol (e2) checked and make sure it isn't tanked because it will kill your libido, ability to put on lean tissue as efficiently, etc...

As far as you wanting to take a bit more - You haven't cycled in over 15 years, so this is all newbie gains for you, buddy! You don't need 400mg's or especially 500mg's of test for a freaking cycle! I did something similar when I was on for a few months - I had bought some test dosed at 250mg/ml (20ml) and I went up to taking 450mg per week, and realized I felt so much better but it was because I was spreading out my dose to twice weekly instead of just once.

If you don't mind me saying so, split your dose of test into twice or more a week even though it is cyp - it will stay much more level and you will end up feeling about 100x's better with just being on 200mg/wk. I actually cut mine down to 160mg/week and I am feeling even better now than I was on 200mg! Also, bring the Anastrozole (unless you are having side effects) down to .5mg on days you inject - try .25mg but .5 I find to be quite nice and completely cuts out any fears of gyno formation. Check your Estradiol though, brother!

I am starting to pin every other day and I am using just regular 25g pins to do it - it works very easily, the 1 inch pins are more than sufficient if you aren't injecting more than 2ml or so and you get much less scar tissue going 1 inch with 25g than 22 or 23g 1.5 in twice or three times per week. Out of curiosity - what is your total T right now? I know mine sits over 1500ng/dl even on only 160mg/week - I have to be on HRT because of the medications I take due to a terrible injury I suffered (and others resulting from that) over a decade ago. If you keep it down around 1,000ng/dl - I think you will feel better as I did when I dropped from 200mg down to 160 and now to about 120mg.

I have done so much research on my own and my background in reading studies has really helped me with this, but as some guys suggested to me - instead of adding other stuff to your stack, just get your serum levels straight and more than anything - regardless of what your serum levels read, some people might feel great at 700ng/dl while others might feel like shit with anything lower than 900 or so because it all depends on DHT:T:E ratio - go by how you are feeling and adjust from there. Make sure to have your bloods checked, brother!

I hope to talk to you later and I would be happy to give you my email or whatever if you wanna chat.We can talk the shitty luck we (Saints fans) have had lately or how the Tigers are doing or whatever you might want, buddy! Also - remember, because you have that script, you can put whatever you would like in that box and bring it with you if you choose to do so down the line!


I live in Madisonville now. Was living in Metairie near Met Road about 12 years ago, but I moved after the storm. I know Curetons, but I trained at French Riviera Fitness and Elmwood Fitness. I am a Anytime Fitness guy now.

I think I am going to drop the Anastrozole altogether. I never thought it was necessary. FYI, I had the dosing wrong on my original post. It's 1mg tabs and she has me splitting them in half so I take .5 twice a week. I started last July and have not had blood work since starting. I am sure that is coming up.

Good idea about spreading my test injection out. I was doing this when I added enanthate to my gear but as I said I have no source now. The mf was an old friend who decided to take my money and go gambling.

I don't think I want to go below the 200mg. Funny thing is when I originally went into the Timeless doctor my test was normal if not even high for my age, but because I told her I was taking test booster supplements she gave me the test anyway. At first she said I didn't qualify, but she said the test booster supplements altered the test results but she said those aren't stable levels. My total testosterone levels prior to takeing anything other than a test booster from GNC, was 743 ng/dl. sounds more like a credit score to me.

Thanks for the great info and Geaux Tigers!


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2020
Reaction score
Why do you hate carbs so much? :32 (18):

You'll have much better workouts if you replace some of that excess protein with carbohydrate.

If you're worried about getting fat, well don't. As long as you're training and in a caloric deficit you're fine(that goes for any macro), but glucose(carbohydrate) is fuel for your body, like gasoline for your muscles. Don't be scared!!!

I actually love carbs and I find they easily work there way into my diet even when I am trying not to take them in. I try to eat green vegetables and others as well. I also eat some fruit like bananas, apples and cantaloupe. As I stated after my original post the 400 grams of proteins was an estimate and I posted my diet later in this thread and someone said it was more like 300 grams. I don't calorie track my diet, I just don't have time for it so I just guestimate. I didn't realize how many people are not for protein shakes. Shakes are actually new to my diet, in the past when I was bodybuilding 15 years ago, I didn't have the money for shakes.
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