Just not gaining. Can't eat more per day.


Senior Member
Dec 13, 2019
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On the hunger, I didn't catch if you ever said how many calories you're eating, if you REALLY need to eat more doing it as shakes makes 5k calories effortless. Clearly you need real food too, but as supplemental calories.

But on the gaining, you're 5'10, 175 which isn't heavy and at 20-25% BF? Dude, at your height and weight having your fat that high needs to be addressed before you continue to try to put more on. You're gonna run outta control, then with the time required to cut that much fat you're going to lose too much muscle in the process, don't work against yourself.

I'm also 5'10, I'm at 230lbs right now, at my last DEXA I was 11.5%BF, and I'm really careful with putting weight on, I still definitely got to much chub on me IMO, wife tells me I have body dysmorphia, I say her eye exam is overdo. We all wear what we have different, you may not even remotely look like you have that high of a BF%, But if that's an accurate number, you an't ignore it either. We ALWAYS put on fat with the muscle, you need that wiggle room.


Harvey Two Face
Mar 12, 2022
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It's hard. Besides my chest, nothing seems to grow. I have never hit a 2x bodyweight on my squat. Shoulders do fuck all no matter what I load them up with. I eat stupid amounts of beef and eggs daily. Whey farts are constant. My Back is a joke, my calves are bean poles.

I just want to get jacked. I heard from someone that this was the spot to get some good advice, on enhancement. Please take care of me guys.

Anyway, I intend to lurk around here for a bit. The guy who suggested this board shot me a recomendation for a source, but also the only thread on them talked shit so I don't know what to do. I'm going to sit around and learn. Thanks.
sounds like you want the best of both worlds man... you have to balance out life a bit.... 4 days of heavy lifting and the bjj and wrestling is wayyyy too much if you want the growth.... you cant concentrate on both... but,,, if you are getting stronger and you perform well in bjj then you are doing what you body can recover from... you are doing alot of activity... bjj burns a ton of calories. also i can tell you are stressed from the higher bf you said above... you cortisol must be high.. meaning too much stress on the body..
drugs will not help here... you are doing alot...
if anything cut down on the workouts do maybe 3 day full body workouts still with one big compound movement like a squat of a deadlift and and the rest do some bodybuilding circuits with like 3 exercises and do like 4 to 5 rounds or depending how you feel. this will give you a extra day to recover..... if you can eliminate on bjj workout also this will also help tremendously to "recover" better. remember more is not always better...
ped's are not the answer for long term body and health... it only goes so far...


Harvey Two Face
Mar 12, 2022
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Try periodizing your training. For example, for 6 months of the year you can focus on the BJJ/Wrestling/Boxing, but put your weight training on MAINTENANCE level. So you'd be weight training 1-2x per week, doing full body sessions.

The other six months, reverse it. Focus on packing on lean muscle tissue, weight train 4x per week, and cut back on the contact sports. Maybe some light rolling or skills and drills ONCE per week to maintain technique, and hit a boxing class ONCE per week for cardio/conditioning/skill retention.
great idea.... def a block approach sounds very good too do..


Sage of Swole
Dec 28, 2021
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I don’t think you need to give up grappling or even cut back.
You need to eat more and lift less.
Try an upper lower split or fullbody 2x per week like Monday and Friday.
fighters go up in weight classes and don’t train less.
Use the lifting days to focus on strength. The strength and calories will build the muscle.
You need to slowly up the calories not just slam more food.
Don’t just eat clean food.
Focus on protein and calories
Just an idea there are probably better exercise options
Bent row

Hang clings
Pull ups or chins
Walking lunges or leg press


Jun 24, 2012
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And what's the focus? Grappling OR lifting. You cannot serve 2 masters.

Pick which to focus on and the other should compliment it and not detract from it.
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