Not new to steroids but something is not right about this cycle?

Apr 18, 2017
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Previous cycles
1st 400mg testosterone cypionate 12 weeks
2nd 500mg testosterone cypionate 25 weeks + Dbol 60mg first 5 weeks
3rd 600mg sustanon 10 weeks + Dbol 40mg first 4 weeks

As you can tell i am not new to steroids. Although i have been off the gear for nearly 1 year and decided to jump back on this month.

Since starting the cycle i have pinned the following.

06/04/2017 - 650mg testosterone enanthate (yes in a single pin).
14/04/2017 - 200mg testosterone enanthate

A couple of days after starting my 650mg cycle i decided to not run the cycle and just cruise on a 200mg weekly dosage due to problems preventing me from making the full use of the cycle.

Now i think i am 14 days in and i have been noticing some serious mental sides starting over the last week. I feel INCREDIBLY emotional and my mood changes by the hour. I feel seriously bad about bad things i have done in the past that i was convicted for. Before starting this cycle i did not give a shit. I was not emotional and i was what you would consider to be a cold guy. This has gone the opposite since starting the cycle! I also have been experiencing severe anxiety and anxious agitation.

Strangely enough high doses of fish oil seems to relieve the symptoms considerably.

I have run steroids before, i usually feel awesome i don't get it. I have never used testosterone enanthate though could it be the ester?

From what i can tell its probably one of the following?

1) My blood levels are fluctuating all over the place due to the first dose being 650mg then only using a additional 200mg in 12 days?
2) The ester Enanthate doesn't agree with me?
3) Extremely high RBC count possibly? (Fish oil does thin the blood and it seems to help)

I have never used a AI on previous cycles so i wouldn't assume Estrogen?
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SI Founding Member
Feb 6, 2012
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Hmmm... interesting. Bloodwork might help although it's a bit soon. Only thing worth seeing there would be estradiol. Your testosterone result wouldn't mean much at this point.

If e2 is high then hit the arimidex and redo bloods.

Stick to the 200mg every 5 days or consider coming off altogether.
Apr 18, 2017
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Hmmm... interesting. Bloodwork might help although it's a bit soon. Only thing worth seeing there would be estradiol. Your testosterone result wouldn't mean much at this point.

If e2 is high then hit the arimidex and redo bloods.

Stick to the 200mg every 5 days or consider coming off altogether.

Sorry to question you but would testosterone levels not mean a lot at this stage? A 650mg pin would peak quickly probably resulting in a peak of about 2000 to 2500 in a matter of days i would imagine. I know you don't notice gains for a few weeks with long esters as it needs time to build up in the body due to the half life. But the injections still peak within days from what i can tell although its not noticeable with gains.

So 650mg - 325mg after first 6 days - 162.5mg after another 6 days leaving me with 162mg from the first pin at this point. + 200mg from my 200mg pin leaving about 300mg of testosterone in my system right now.

So with a total of half my original levels could this not cause a serious imbalance due to fluctuating bloods?

I am just trying to work out if the problem is the ester, unstable levels or e2.

As if its the ester then i would think pinning more would be a bad idea and a change to cyp would be in order.


Apr 1, 2017
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If I find myself feeling emotional, it is a tell tail sign that my E2 is high. Armidex can take care of that. I didn't see a mention of that in your cycle but hopefully you have some type of AI on hand.


Dec 14, 2013
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Im with BSP on this one. My guess would be E2. Never had test make me cry during a chic flick. lol Get some bloods to be sure.


Jul 26, 2016
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going from your regular body-producing amount of test straight to 650mg is a huge jump. I'm sure thats the reason right there for high e2 levels, especially without an AI. Also, do you know what your test levels were before starting this? if they were normal range, i don't see the point in doing a TRT dose.
Apr 18, 2017
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If I find myself feeling emotional, it is a tell tail sign that my E2 is high. Armidex can take care of that. I didn't see a mention of that in your cycle but hopefully you have some type of AI on hand.

I have never used a AI on any of my cycles. Not a single time have i had any estrogen signs that i noticed. Had a AI on hand for the first 2 cycles but no i don't have any AI on hand currently. Because i assumed that i was not sensitive to estrogen sides.

If it is high e2 would the levels not be dropping by now anyway 12 days after the large first injection? I mean they should not raise any further should they providing i don't pin more test?

Possibly could get a temp script from my doctor for AI if its serious. Because it will take me about one week to get a AI at this point. Could the estrogen go any higher in this time if i don't pin more?

going from your regular body-producing amount of test straight to 650mg is a huge jump. I'm sure thats the reason right there for high e2 levels, especially without an AI. Also, do you know what your test levels were before starting this? if they were normal range, i don't see the point in doing a TRT dose.

I have not had my natural levels checked recently but they was at 600 before running anabolics.

Yes it was far too much i realize that now had a pretty hard hit of test flu after.

The point to running 200mg a week even with decent levels is because 200mg a week from what i understand is about half as much again as the normal TRT dosage. And it avoids a painful PCT. Its just basically a bridge as i hope to continue this cycle in about a month.
Apr 18, 2017
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I did have 50 Pharmacom Adex but my girl binned them accidentally a few weeks back :32 (6):


fitasfuk50's Operating System
Sep 26, 2013
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Sorry to question you but would testosterone levels not mean a lot at this stage? A 650mg pin would peak quickly probably resulting in a peak of about 2000 to 2500 in a matter of days i would imagine. I know you don't notice gains for a few weeks with long esters as it needs time to build up in the body due to the half life. But the injections still peak within days from what i can tell although its not noticeable with gains.

So 650mg - 325mg after first 6 days - 162.5mg after another 6 days leaving me with 162mg from the first pin at this point. + 200mg from my 200mg pin leaving about 300mg of testosterone in my system right now.

So with a total of half my original levels could this not cause a serious imbalance due to fluctuating bloods?

I am just trying to work out if the problem is the ester, unstable levels or e2.

As if its the ester then i would think pinning more would be a bad idea and a change to cyp would be in order.

Youre correct in that the injection will peak at 24-48 hours but if you pinned 650mg of test it should be significantly higher than just 2000-2500 ng/dL. It has nothing to do with the ester and not likely caused by the fluctuation. It could possibly be E2 related but I doubt that as well. More than likely it's a psychosomatic issue.
Apr 18, 2017
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Youre correct in that the injection will peak at 24-48 hours but if you pinned 650mg of test it should be significantly higher than just 2000-2500 ng/dL. It has nothing to do with the ester and not likely caused by the fluctuation. It could possibly be E2 related but I doubt that as well. More than likely it's a psychosomatic issue.

Appreciate your opinion.

I just don't get it mate. I felt fine before cycle and never had a problem on cycle. I am also in a good frame of mind mentally most things are going fine in day to day life.

But something must have caused it.

I do take Ativan daily 1mg each night could that be interfering with anything? Its not prescribed by a doctor lol.

Even with the benzos i still can not sleep either think i have slept about 3 hours in the last 48.


fitasfuk50's Operating System
Sep 26, 2013
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Appreciate your opinion.

I just don't get it mate. I felt fine before cycle and never had a problem on cycle. I am also in a good frame of mind mentally most things are going fine in day to day life.

But something must have caused it.

I do take Ativan daily 1mg each night could that be interfering with anything? Its not prescribed by a doctor lol.

Even with the benzos i still can not sleep either think i have slept about 3 hours in the last 48.

And that makes me believe it's not steroid related. Something else could have triggered it whether you're aware of it or not. Lack of sleep isn't helping matters either.


SI Founding Member
Feb 6, 2012
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Sorry to question you but would testosterone levels not mean a lot at this stage? A 650mg pin would peak quickly probably resulting in a peak of about 2000 to 2500 in a matter of days i would imagine. I know you don't notice gains for a few weeks with long esters as it needs time to build up in the body due to the half life. But the injections still peak within days from what i can tell although its not noticeable with gains.

So 650mg - 325mg after first 6 days - 162.5mg after another 6 days leaving me with 162mg from the first pin at this point. + 200mg from my 200mg pin leaving about 300mg of testosterone in my system right now.

So with a total of half my original levels could this not cause a serious imbalance due to fluctuating bloods?

I am just trying to work out if the problem is the ester, unstable levels or e2.

As if its the ester then i would think pinning more would be a bad idea and a change to cyp would be in order.

Your test level doesn't matter because that's not what's making you act like a bitch. Bitch hormones are hence my suggestion to check e2.


Jun 19, 2016
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Is your sex drive healthy?
Can you get and keep an erection?
Can you get off when you do have sex?
Are you getting acne on your back?

These are solid signs for me anyway of elevated E2.


Retired UG Staff
Jan 20, 2017
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Is your sex drive healthy?
Can you get and keep an erection?
Can you get off when you do have sex?
Are you getting acne on your back?

These are solid signs for me anyway of elevated E2.

mine are:
no morning wood
more frequent urination
lower sex drive
Apr 18, 2017
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Is your sex drive healthy?
Can you get and keep an erection?
Can you get off when you do have sex?
Are you getting acne on your back?

These are solid signs for me anyway of elevated E2.

1. I can get erections easily and keep them for ages my sex drive feels like it is when you are on high test. You know when you get a boner for no reason in the most awkward situations lol.
2. I have sex daily sometimes twice and i can get off incredibly quick.
3. No acne on my back although the skin on my face looks rougher than usual. A few tiny white specs on my face like pin prick sized specs which are raised above the skin like a mini spot.

I do seem to have bad circulation as well. When riding my motorcycle i often find my fingers go completely numb and i can not really feel them. Feet sometimes go numb as well. BP was fine as of 2 days ago and so was heart rate.

mine are:
no morning wood
more frequent urination
lower sex drive

I wake up with a solid dick every day lol. I have been urinating more than usual though but i have increased my fluid intake being on cycle. Fatigue is a hard one because my mood is all over the place. One day i feel great the next i wake up fatigued and insanely depressed. This happened the other day and i literally did not move out of bed for 24 hours just stayed in bed all day awake. Then the next i wake up feeling great. None of this started until a couple of days after starting the cycle. Although i did feel increased anxiety levels on day 1 but from what i can gather thats normal when going from baseline to 650mg in 1 day.

I have no diagnosed mental illnesses accept for anxiety. I used to have depersonalization real bad but that passed after a year.

F**k me i just want to go back to being the emotionless guy! I hate giving a shit about things.
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Apr 1, 2017
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Maybe get on some anxiety meds. If you have a history, maybe its coming back.
Apr 18, 2017
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Maybe get on some anxiety meds. If you have a history, maybe its coming back.

I am already taking benzodiazaphines to control anxiety. If that does not work then nothing will lol.

I am going to change the ester as its worth a shot to see if it makes a difference.

What do you guys think prop or cyp?

Might even go back to the sust 500 from pharmacom becahse that kept my blood levels real stable last time.

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