Eq and Nandrolone who has used both on cycle?

Jun 18, 2015
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Alright I am about 5 weeks out from my cycle it has been a long 8 months. I will be doing a clean/lean bulk. I know I will be staring at a 6000 cal a day diet and I need to work on how the macros are going to fit. The question I have for now is I am curious who has run both of these compounds together or should I even bother. I have ran both but not together. I want the Eq to help with the eating. In the past my hunger has been out of control while on Eq. I am planning on coming into this cycle 6" 10-12% 235-245 lbs. This will actually be the leanest I have ever been going into a bulk. I cant wait to throw on 15-20 lbs. I also do not plan to run much higher then my cruise Test of 200mg. I might throw some prop in at the beginning but I prefer to keep my Test doses low as possible on cycle. Appreciate all and any input.

Cobra Strike

SI Founding Member
Apr 10, 2012
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You might run into some issues keeping your test dose that low while running a nandrolone. I would try to make it atleast the same as the nand but you never know...you might be ok with that ratio.

How many cals are you eating now? Your stats are about the same as mine only im already at 245 and I dont need 6k cals to grow right now. Dont just come out of the gate at 6k...you need to up your cals slowly so your body gets use to it...nutrient partioning research might benefit you. If your 240lbs 5k should be plenty to start at (depending where you are at now) then once the gear kicks in (week 6ish) add another 500. This diet for this cycle should be as clean as possible to minimize fat gain. If you gain 15 to 20 lbs off this then its most likely accurate to assume your diet wasnt that clean or you have never ran these compounds.

Eq with a nand is a great addition.
Jun 18, 2015
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I have had no problem in the past running Nandrolone higher then Test typically I have ran 500 Deca/Npp to 250 Test with no issues. It seems if I keep my E2 in check things are fine. Right now I am down from 268 lbs in January. I am running around 3500-4000 cals a day. I play league soccer 3x a week and I am taking in more carbs then I like but it is not hurting. It does make sense to ease into it because after the fourth of July I will cut into my cycle through intermittent fasting not necessarily cutting calories just dropping things like the beer and such. Stanley cup playoff runs and the time of year this is pretty typical behavior. SO I will like to clean things up before my cycle even gets here. I didn't even think about waiting the 6 weeks that makes complete sense. The diet will be clean I have to start putting that together now also. I plan on being extremely disciplined this cycle at 43 I want to make it my best one yet. It won't be but maybe it wiil be close to those earlier ones. I only run one AAS cycle a year. I think I can put 15lbs of lean mass on in a 16 week cycle. I usually do pretty good at keeping clean I don't spend money on gear not to optimize it. I have had some muscle waste this year getting ready for soccer season and in season I play at a very competitive level. The past ten years been more of a recomp guy maybe 15lbs is a stretch IDK. I have always taken a minimalist approach to cycling I like to keep my injectable compounds to 2-3 and maybe an oral never really running more then 1200mg's a week total.. I am going to switch things up this time. I have only ran eq twice and both times I failed at keeping it clean. I think I can do that now. I have plenty of Nandrolone cycles it is my got to. Never ran tren and never plan too 3 kids in the house, I like my sleep, and I figure I will just have to keep the diet in check. Truth is this is my first true bulk in a long long time it is also why I came to this board. I felt this board had the right people to make this cycle great. Most places all I hear is use Tren. Hope this background helps trying to be open and provide as much info as possible. In case you are wondering here is what I am looking at bump test to 300mg with a front load kicker of prop 200 ew first 3 weeks, Deca 600 ew frontload NPP, maybe even a back load to clear it faster, 600mg Eq ew. Maybe throw some Mast P in there maybe? the last 8 weeks. No orals anymore my BP sky rockets on most orals. I will keep on hand Test P if I decide I like staying at around 500mg Test see how I feel.


SI Founding Member
May 4, 2012
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deca/npp put my dick in the dirt if I run them higher than my test.

I'm assuming "lean mass" includes some fat. if your talking about adding 15 lbs in one cycle, then yes your goal is unobtainable.

imo, 6K is not necessary at any point in your cycle. 5k will be more than enough.

good luck


Mar 10, 2014
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yeah deca dick is a strong possibility if you run low test. most prefer test quite a bit higher than deca
Jun 11, 2015
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like you said op i think deca dick more because people like to throw in to many ai/ae and **** their hormones
i know people who run deca solo without dick issues, just got to know your body

if you are using eq just for appetitite stimulation im sure if it is worth it? deca is gona be better for bulking
using both at the same time you wont get much from eq

i would use ghrp6 or dbol for hunger gh would help quite a bit as well, but not typically an issue i struggle with
t3 would be a good option as well, great for bulking


Dec 5, 2013
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T3 for bulking ? Because it speeds the metabolism ? But isn't it catabolic ?


SI Founding Member
Apr 11, 2012
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Alright I am about 5 weeks out from my cycle it has been a long 8 months. I will be doing a clean/lean bulk. I know I will be staring at a 6000 cal a day diet and I need to work on how the macros are going to fit. The question I have for now is I am curious who has run both of these compounds together or should I even bother. I have ran both but not together. I want the Eq to help with the eating. In the past my hunger has been out of control while on Eq. I am planning on coming into this cycle 6" 10-12% 235-245 lbs. This will actually be the leanest I have ever been going into a bulk. I cant wait to throw on 15-20 lbs. I also do not plan to run much higher then my cruise Test of 200mg. I might throw some prop in at the beginning but I prefer to keep my Test doses low as possible on cycle. Appreciate all and any input.

You can run trt doses of test with higher ratios of other compounds...Some people can do it, some can't. Just know your body and the reactions to the compounds you use. Run your npp higher if you want too but keep it at 1:2 ratio example: 300 test/600npp or tren. Also keep some prop or TNE on hand in case you end up having libido issues. Keep your E in check with an AI and you won't have that problem, or prolactin issues.
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Jun 18, 2015
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You can run trt doses of test with higher ratios of other compounds...Run your npp higher if you want too but keep it at 1:2 ratio example: 300 test/600npp or tren. Also keep some prop or TNE on hand in case you end up having libido issues. Keep your E in check with an AI and you won't have that problem, or prolactin issues. I'm getting tired of these stupid ass kids that have 1 test cycle under their belt saying "bro, my bro said that his bros dick fell off from running npp or tren higher than his test"... Please shut the fuk up

Agreed and all one has to do is read my posts and see this is not a concern for me. So please no more talk about deca dick I have mucho experience with Nandrolone compounds. Now I do like talk from those who have run Eq and Deca TOGETHER and hearing those experiences. Honestly I have always thought one or the other but my thoughts have changed. If there are suggestions of other compounds (besides Tren) that people have had great synergistic experiende with Nandrolone more then happy to hear about those too.

Fina I hear you about the Eq and using GHrP 6 that thought has crossed my mind. The T3 though I don't follow I have some but that curbs my appetite not sure how that is great for bulking.


SI Founding Member
Apr 11, 2012
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Agreed and all one has to do is read my posts and see this is not a concern for me. So please no more talk about deca dick I have mucho experience with Nandrolone compounds. Now I do like talk from those who have run Eq and Deca TOGETHER and hearing those experiences. Honestly I have always thought one or the other but my thoughts have changed. If there are suggestions of other compounds (besides Tren) that people have had great synergistic experiende with Nandrolone more then happy to hear about those too.

Fina I hear you about the Eq and using GHrP 6 that thought has crossed my mind. The T3 though I don't follow I have some but that curbs my appetite not sure how that is great for bulking.

Use the search button then


Oct 27, 2012
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Good to see you and hear some background. I like to run them together. I think with you past experience with cycle approach you will do well with this combo.

Both pretty mild but each do their own thing. Put them together and stick to the clean diet and you get veiny mass. It's a good look for someone 10 to 12%

600 cals might just be a reasonable amount for you. Taking in consideration your weight and cals used from being so active.



Senior Member
Jan 25, 2021
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You might run into some issues keeping your test dose that low while running a nandrolone. I would try to make it atleast the same as the nand but you never know...you might be ok with that ratio.

How many cals are you eating now? Your stats are about the same as mine only im already at 245 and I dont need 6k cals to grow right now. Dont just come out of the gate at 6k...you need to up your cals slowly so your body gets use to it...nutrient partioning research might benefit you. If your 240lbs 5k should be plenty to start at (depending where you are at now) then once the gear kicks in (week 6ish) add another 500. This diet for this cycle should be as clean as possible to minimize fat gain. If you gain 15 to 20 lbs off this then its most likely accurate to assume your diet wasnt that clean or you have never ran these compounds.

Eq with a nand is a great addition.

-good advice. Although I would (after finding your current maintenance cal requ. which after 8mo should be easy) start your cycle with a 300-500cal bump as your requirements will immediately increase (assuming you want to remain around current BF%). Im also glad you didnt immediately shoot down his lower Test (200mg) dose..only the user will know how sensitive he is to Nandrolone s/e's, assuming it's real Nandrolone (not TE) I wouldnt run it @ >2-2.5x Test dose!
*if you are using a AI, this will further effect your ratio dosages, allowing you to go higher.
**T200/D400-500/E400-800 is certainly doable. Yrs ago, I always ran T200mg, and either added 200-400Eq and/or DECA..No problem and great experience!
**I can get away with even more Deca than I used to, if your experienced, have at it:)

~6 wks is roughly when hormone levels have STOPPED increasing (depending on ester), not "started" to kick in, thus some stop noticing the rapid "easy" gains from earlier on in the cycle bc sarcoplasmic hypertrophy has slowed considerably, and you are now relying on true cellular material growth (the intracellular framework from the rER), this is what stays 3+wks post cycle, once hormones return to baseline ---> the cytoplasm quickly deflates so to speak.
**this 6-7wk midpoint is more akin to "natural" BBers though with greater rate and potential obviously. Ive heard some "YouTubers"/influencers (ugh) say this is where gains basically stop and argue cycles should be stopped at this point in order to avoid further HPTA shut-down etc. For real BBers, we know this is when the work actually begins!
**correctly stated above, you dont gain 20lbs of clean weight in a typical length cycle that's not your 1st. A few rare Pro's have done this in 1 yr...

-Although most would say anabolically similar in potential, edge here goes to ND, they are very very different compounds of course, are GREAT synergistic companions are stacked by just about every pro except those who simply cannot tolerate ND. 7th place Mr. O was just quoted as stating Test/EQ/NPP is his bulking/offseason stack currently.

good topic, good stack, good advices,
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