New member intro

Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
Hello everyone, A small introduction.

I'm currently 6’3 147 Pounds, I stopped going to the gym about 3 months ago and at the time of stopping I got to 161 pounds all natural but was eating around 4500 calories a day and it took around 3 months to do.

I was very slim and had defined with muscle but never really gained much for my height even if with the amount I was eating. I Worked out about an average of 10 hours a week and was doing great until I got a job doing 60-70 hours and was too tired to do anything.

Now that I've gotten used to the hours I want to start working out again but I've lost almost all gains, I'm in construction so it helps with strength but I almost have no definition anymore.

I want to start taking testosterone and fully emerge myself back into the gym again, I've not been confident and have no energy since I stopped going, I know its some laziness too wanting to take steroids but idc.

I'm located in Toronto Canada and want to find a reputable way to get steroids to start this thing.

Any advice or suggestion about taking it would be great, I don't need to be steered away from it as it's something I've already decided I want to do.

if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

All the best,
Aug 10, 2021
Reaction score
Testosterone is not for you right now, you need to learn how to eat first, not being rough on you just honest.


Oct 18, 2022
Reaction score
What jt said. No idea of your age but gear wont help. Construction is already a workout. 70 hours plus a week work leaves you little rest.
So quickly you need to find pocket food to snack on all day. At one time I would make small bags of nuts raisins dry fruit and breakfast cereal to keep in my pockets. Every chance I got i would grab a mouth full. Protine shakes with every meal and eat till you feel full. If you get up to 220 pounds at 10 or 12 % bf consider gear then.
As for training do 4 days a week hard and heavy no longer than 40 minutes in the gym. No cardio.
You workout all day in construction lifting shit. Rest and sleep as much as possible.
Any questions I will assist or anyone who has answered your post will help.
I did construction for 10 years. Put on all my mass that way. Lifting eating sleeping. Staying natty.
Good luck.


Taskmaster (Moderator)
Oct 28, 2020
Reaction score
Hello everyone, A small introduction.

I'm currently 6’3 147 Pounds, I stopped going to the gym about 3 months ago and at the time of stopping I got to 161 pounds all natural but was eating around 4500 calories a day and it took around 3 months to do.

I was very slim and had defined with muscle but never really gained much for my height even if with the amount I was eating. I Worked out about an average of 10 hours a week and was doing great until I got a job doing 60-70 hours and was too tired to do anything.

Now that I've gotten used to the hours I want to start working out again but I've lost almost all gains, I'm in construction so it helps with strength but I almost have no definition anymore.

I want to start taking testosterone and fully emerge myself back into the gym again, I've not been confident and have no energy since I stopped going, I know its some laziness too wanting to take steroids but idc.

I'm located in Toronto Canada and want to find a reputable way to get steroids to start this thing.

Any advice or suggestion about taking it would be great, I don't need to be steered away from it as it's something I've already decided I want to do.

if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

All the best,
1. How old are you? 147lbs @ 6'3" is underweight; I get mental images of Christian Bale in the machinist.

2. 14 lbs in 3 months is good, especially if it was mostly lean tissue; this is nothing to complain about.

3. You don't need testosterone, and it won't even help you unless both your diet and training are dialed in... which currently it sounds like it's not.

4. Go back to eating 4000 - 4500 calories and training hard in the gym. Do that for a full year and then re-evaluate where you're at.
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
New member. One post and gone.

It’s cute that everyone jumps his leg at the door too. 6’3 147 lbs and you take him for being real? Lol.