PEA, Free Gear, and my final 12 weeks.


SI Founding Member
Jul 17, 2012
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For those of you who don't know I'm balls deep into my 2nd cycle that kicked off July 15, making this the start of week 6. I have been running PEAs Test blend and Masteron (prop/enan) blend. starting doses were test@250 and mast@350. My goals were to stay lean and build strength through the last 6weeks of summer then lean bulk for the last 10.

Before the cycle started I was 168lbs ~10%bf (current avi) and now I'm sitting @175 ~12%bf.. I have already noticed fuller biceps and chest which are areas I have identified that need catching up. My lifts are steadily increasing and this week I will be raising my test dose to ~365/week.

Ive been kicking around the idea of throwing tren into the mix for 10weeks to help stay lean while I add calories. I already have an order coming which I'm not quite sure what will be in it Lol. I switched my order twice in the process of getting the total and payment info out and was also notified that I was going to be receiving a FREE VIAL! So of course I changed my order AGAIN and requested a bottle a Var but if not then I would be happy with a v of Tren-a too. Hell yeah PEA knows how to treat customers!

Like I said I'm not 100% sure what I will be getting (I don't want to ask specifically because now the suspense is building like fuckkin Christmas when I was 7yo), but I 99% sure it will either be:

1) 4 grams tren-e, 1gram tren-a, and some more test OR
2) 4 grams tren-e, Var, and some more test

Also I have enough mast to go another 5weeks..Anyways now I'm leaning more towards my original plan of finishing off the test/mast and simply jacking up my test dose for the last 10weeks. I figured the only way the tren would be worth it would be if my free goody turns out to be tren-ace. Then I could spread the Ace over the first 4 weeks, starting @40mg/day and slowly phasing it out as the Tren-E builds in my system. This way I would get nearly a full 10week ass kicking of tren. Then I would run test another 2.5weeks after this bringing my cycle length to 18weeks (assuming I start tren half way thru this week)... Other wise I would simply yoke up my test dose (along with my AI) to ~600 for the next 10.5weeks totaling 16weeks in all.

So, what you fellas think? Like I said my preference is based on what shows up this order but wanted to hear your thoughts.

Thanks Broskis


SI Founding Member
Apr 9, 2012
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Man slow down. Lol. Relax bro you don't have to throw everything in at once. Slow and steady wins the race. Also if you have not ran tren I would not just incorporate into a cycle your already on. I'd wait till number three when you can start all compounds on day one.
Apr 17, 2012
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Bro I know you smart to figured out that NO NEED for a lot of gear to get the results you want. Best thing ever is there is one day right after the other;)


SI Founding Member
Apr 29, 2012
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Yup, what these guys said.


SI Founding Member
Jul 17, 2012
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Ya I know what you mean Herm, this test/mast is awesome, but I still get anxious to try new stuff. Thats why I thought about tren and var, def wanna give those a go eventually. But I have no problem saving those for a later cycle either..

And Pikiki I agree 100%. This test/mast @ 250/350 is good enough for me to cut with and even recomp.. If I ran the test/tren it would be at 250/350 and if not then I would finish off the mast and up the test to 600..

My goals are to get to 185lbs 10% by next summer... by then I'll be 23yo and at 5'8 I think that will a good accomplishment for me...


SI Founding Member
Apr 9, 2012
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Ya bro wait it out. There's no reason you can't make it to 185. Save it for next cycle. When people get to anxious they tend to not pay attention and hurt themselves. By all means I'm not saying you'll do this it just happens. Like I tell all these guys we all want the body we desire, but you gotta think about your future. We want to live as long, and as healthy as possible. No need to rush into. Tren is nasty shit and I always tell guys to wait till they know what's up with their bodys. Just wait till your next one so you can be ready for it.


SI Founding Member
Jul 17, 2012
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Good looks Herm. I'm gonna finish up the mast then bump the test to 5-600. My diet n training are very much on point n I'm seeing results as is.. ya no need to throw the Tren wrench into the works..

I'll keep my updates in this thread.. I got some pics from before the start of this cycle somewhere, ill dig em up when I'm outta work.


SI Founding Member
May 2, 2012
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I never got no free gear. I am JELLY.

Yeah, just one at a time bro. I know how you feel, I hoard and look at all these things just craving. Just plan it out thorougly and stick to it all the way, don't change mid cycle. I have to fight that too, I always have the urge to change or try something new. The PEA anavar and oil's I have tried are the shit too. I still got some PEA tren and a big PEA dbol bottle lol.

Get Some

Senior Member
Nov 29, 2011
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To be perfectly honest with everyone, I hate this cycle.... I hate everything about it. But, that's not the OP's fault, nor can I make him change anything. I just wish people would do a little more research before starting their first cycle. You guys shouldn't be shy in tellin him what you really think.

1. You weighed 168 lbs at the beginning of the cycle. Mast should have been your last choice. I realize that you want to stay "lean" for the rest of summer but you're 168 lbs. If I weighed 168 lbs I'd be leaner than you.

2. You probably don't want to be a bodybuilder, but let's get your priorities straight. You're using a small amount of gear to "recomp" when you only weigh 168 lbs. What was your first cycle that left you only weighing that much? I would have told you to go for it with a more aggressive approach. Someone your size should be able to add 30 lbs in 10-12 weeks and keep 20 of it. If you would have done that in the first place, that may have been the only bulking cycle you ever needed to run.... but now you have to play catch up.

3. So where do you go from here? It's fine to finish out the mast, but I would certainly agree with upping the test does like you said. It pisses me off when people think that they are going to get "too big" or "too fat" from a cycle. Oh really? I dare you to prove me wrong (not you in particular bro, I'm speaking generally here). IT'S NOT EASY TO GAIN A TON OF WEIGHT. Plus, you don't put on as much fat as you think you will if your diet is decent. Your diet doesn't even have to be clean at all. But if you time your meals right and eat foods that will benefit yoru growth, then it becomes much easier.

4. Don't EVER change the plan mid cycle (except in cases of health concerns of course). You need to have a plan and stick with it throughout. Your cycle length, compounds you will use, and PCT schedule need to be fullly planned before you ever pin that first dose. If they aren't, get ready for low expectations. The reason I point this out is because I see it time and time again. People who are newer tend to get thoughts in their head like, "hmm, this cycle is pretty good after a few weeks but I'm left wanting more, maybe if I added ths or tweaked this..." STOP! Just run the cycle you set out to run and if it's properly drawn out and executed I can promise you will be pleasantly surprised (provided your gear is real, which in this case it is).

5. I do applaud you for taking the time to log this experience and share it with everyone. You can never have too many accounts from people about how their cycle went, there is always something to learn from it. If I were you I would up the test NOW, assuming it is composed of mostly longer esters like cyp or enan. Your levels could take another few weeks to reach a better "muscle-building" level so you need to start sooner.

6. As far as 18 week cycles go, you should have had a much much better plan. Most people I talk to think that if you run low doses you can run them for a long time and recover fine. This is not the case at all. You can run tren for 10 weeks and recover faster than 18 weeks of pretty much anything else at a low dose. However, 18 week cycles can be beneficial if you plan them correctly. One aspect you probably didn't think about beforehand when considering a longer cycle is the buildup of myostatin, cortisol, and other things that can stop gains in their tracks. This is why I recommend switching esters and/or compounds if you are going to go 18 weeks or longer in a cycle. It makes sense to start with longer esters and switch to short ones for the final 6 weeks if you ask me.

7. Continue this cycle if you wish or consider letting myself and others help you revise it for better results. If you are happy with what's going on so far, then so be it.

I don't say any of these things to be negative. I say them because I care DEEPLY about the bros in this community. Anyone that has known me for years will tell you that I hate to see people not live up to their potential. I am here to help in any way possible, just shoot me a PM if you guys have questions or ask them in a thread and hit me up in the chatbox to take a look. None of you are obligated to even talk to me at all, I just wanted to throw out there that I'm an open guy and am here to help. If I didn't give a shit about any of you I wouldn't be writing this post right now. It gives me no benefit whatsoever to write the things I do. I write them because I like to see people make smart decisions and succeed.


SI Founding Member
May 2, 2012
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Noone should take constructive points negatively. There is always good knowledge there in your posts.

Get Some

Senior Member
Nov 29, 2011
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I think I come off as negative sometimes by the way I type, but if people could meet me in real life they'd realize by the tone of voice I use that it's the furthest thing from putting someone down ;)

Noone should take constructive points negatively. There is always good knowledge there in your posts.


SI Founding Member
May 2, 2012
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The internet does that lol. That's why I usually write out "if that came off as negative I didn't mean it that way", the biggest aspect of communication is left out even with emoticons and "net language".


SI Founding Member
Jul 17, 2012
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Dear Get Some,

I don't think you come off as being negative at all. You see things differently, that's to be expected since you have limited info about me. As far as your message's overall connotation well lets just say my father didn't believe in constructive criticism while raising me... I have some thick skin so don't worry about my feelings Lol

Anyways I was weighing in around 170lbs before my cycle and at 22yo and 5'8 I don't know of many near my fitness level. I do have a buddy who is 24 5'9 and ~200lbs and is fcking brolic. Oh ya but he also played D1 football at the biggest University in New York state..but I guess you would consider him "average"??... regardless I will be as big as him when I'm 24 easy so YES I'm proud of where I am.

Anyways where I am (age, height, weight) is ARBITRARY. I have come from a lower starting point than 99.9% of the guys on this board. At age 18 when I first started training I was 220lbs and well over 25%bf. I was short, fat, small, slow, and weak. I had no muscle or strength to start with (Think my max bench was ~125lbs). I did not have the genetic gift for strength, muscle, or to stay lean. Not an endomorph or an ectomorph or a mesomorph I was a shitty-fcking-genetics-morph

After I graduated highschool I started to research diet and training. Since then I dropped to 145lbs 8%bf then got up to 160lbs 11%. So I added about 10lbs of muscle and dropped over 60lbs of fat natty. At this time I had become addicted to not only training and eating healthy but researching the best strategies and practices in medicine which soon landed me on gear.

I think you assumed that from my first cycle I had not researched much but that assumption is wrong. I researched everything throughly. My first cycle was test-only @575mg/week for 8weeks. I front-loaded the gear which was stupid as I didn't feel shit till 5weeks anyway and all that happened was a gyno flare up. So what did I do I hit it with the gyno killer Letro. Un fortunately to stop the gyno I crashed my estro which prolly wasn't the best for gains but haulting the gyno was 1st priority. Also at the time it was the going practice for a first cycle to wait till estro sides pop up before using your AI.. All these things contributed to a sub-par first cycle. and still when it was all said and done I kept ~10lbs after pct.

From my first cycle I took away ALOT of good pointers.
1- I am gyno sensitive
2- I don't need alot of gear to grow
3- I would be better off running smaller / longer doses

So this shaped my cycle I am completing now.

Also as a side note I strictly trained for strength up until My current cycle. I know gear doesn't make you blow up over night and that's my point, I trained for strength and I got stronger. I weigh 175 and just pulled 405 today with perfect form and felt great... I don't see many in my gym within 25lbs of me fckin with that kind of weight.. or doing dips for sets of 8reps with 100lbs hanging from their waist.. Let alone how many 22 years olds do you see doing this?

I got plenty of time to grow so I don't know what you mean by "Now I have to play catch up"?? Catch up to who? All the guys stronger and bigger than me 1) started in better shape than me and 2) Are 2-5 years older

Now if I was 26yo 6ft and 175lbs 10%bf, I'd say ya that's average and I got some catch up to play...

Did I mention that I'm doing this all while getting my masters degree in 5years (normally that takes even the smart ones 6 years)... this is my biggest and toughest accomplishment so I thought I might gloat about it

I hope that sheds some light on my situation.. At least you didn't post another stupid pop-culture picture with a dipshit tag line beneath it Lol... Just Kidding, I love you Get Some


SI Founding Member
May 2, 2012
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Lol, had to.

Get Some

Senior Member
Nov 29, 2011
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First of all, excellent post detailing your story and bio. I really appreciate the time you put into that and I hope other people read it and will understand that too.

The problem with trying to decipher what I write sometimes is that just when you think I'm talking about the OP I sprinkle in some advice for the "average newb" lol. I know you have more knowledge than the average newb and I have noticed in your avatar that you are in very good shape. You said in your post I believe that you wanted to be 185 lbs or so at maybe 10% BF, is that right? Now we have to look at how quickly you want to get there.

Really there is nothing wrong with using mast, it just may have been better to select something else. I think you could incorporate tren into your next cycle no problem. HOWEVER, be careful because if you are prone to estro gyno you will also be very prone to prolactin gyno, which is worse. Fluctuating estrogen levels affect the body's progesterone levels as well (there's a chart in that estro thread that's a sticky showing the conversion process) and higher estrogen levels mean elevated progesterone levels. This is most easily combatted by the use of Aromasin (preferred by me) or arimidex. Those 2 are a little easier to control than letro. You can even start with the AI a few days before cycle to ensure you're in the right spot.

Labs - I know most people don't get labs because it seems like a hassle. But, before your next cycle do yourself a favor and get some labs done. You'll be interested to know where you're at when starting.

Cycle length - you and I are alike in that we respond to lower doses of gear. Over the years of cycling I also found that I respond best (and recover best) to short esters over shorter periods of time. If the longest ester I'm using is a propionate ester, then I'll run a 6 weeker and make some very nice gains, even if I'm running prop/tren/mast all below 450mg/week. Being on for only 6 weeks allows me to recover within a matter of weeks and be ready quicker for the next run. So, for the future, consider running a few shorter cycles while incorporating orals and see how that goes.

Like you said, you're young and you still have plenty of time. If you are not in a rush to get big then please consider a high dose primo with low dose test run. For you, this may only be 600mg primo with 200mg test. Short esters for 10-12 weeks or long esters for 16 weeks should get the job done. I promise you will not find more keepable gains than from primo. And after about 6-8 weeks it starts to lean you out really good too. Let me know if you ever have any questions, I'd be happy to help. Fantastic job on the weight loss, you'll remember that for the rest of your life my friend!


SI Founding Member
Aug 17, 2012
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Get Some, you can critique me and give me feedback anyday of the week ;). But in all seriousness I really appreciate a lot of your posts I learn something new everyday because of veterans like you and many others on here...can never learn enough.


SI Founding Member
Apr 9, 2012
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I would go with the var. Leave the tren for ur next cycle.


SI Founding Member
Jul 17, 2012
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And for my free goodie RD did come through with the VAR!!! Saving the tren-e obviously for a later cycle. Shipping is blazing fast to say the least! Love me some PEA

...and whats this bullshit I can't get these fckin pics up.. is it safe to load em to photobucket first?

Get Some

Senior Member
Nov 29, 2011
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Ya, or just use to do it quicker

And for my free goodie RD did come through with the VAR!!! Saving the tren-e obviously for a later cycle. Shipping is blazing fast to say the least! Love me some PEA

...and whats this bullshit I can't get these fckin pics up.. is it safe to load em to photobucket first?

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