Anabolic Label busted....


SI Founding Member
May 30, 2012
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I have it on good authority that Anabolic Label has been busted. A ugl owner who is a customer of theirs told me. Maybe they do more than just design and sell custom labels. Making labels can't be a federal offense...or can it?


Expert Alcoholic Fraudster
May 8, 2017
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maybe they got him as part of the RICO act?
engaging in a criminal enterprise
that would be some horse shit. I forgot these guys even existed. I wonder how many UGLs they made labels for. I know some UGLs used almost identical labels and it was hard to tell them apart like they all had a favorite template.


Sep 1, 2022
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I would make a guess and say that it’s guilty by association.


SI Founding Member
May 30, 2012
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that would be some horse shit. I forgot these guys even existed. I wonder how many UGLs they made labels for. I know some UGLs used almost identical labels and it was hard to tell them apart like they all had a favorite template.
A friend who owns and brews for a popular ugl told me about this unfortunate situation. I went hands on and helped his young family move from Vegas to Utah. I was told a long time ago that you find out who your true friends are when you move and ask for volunteers. I've been haunted by those words since the very first request after hearing them.

I take the request for a hand very seriously and let the people asking know it. I get annoyed by younger people who are flippant and come off as if they could be asking me to pass the salt at lunch. I've agonized over the decision with some.

Its a stressful time. If there are children in the equation it can multiply that stress level exponentially. Moving away from friends and possibly family can can leave some in the family unit resenting the people in charge of making the big decisions.

Christ, reel it in already! Off in a direction that's not even on the map today. I hadn't thought about that angle, @Swiper. That's some complex thought right there. RICO. It would require some moles/plants that infiltrated a place like promuscle. They would've sat back and watched how the kilo club moves each time a new source drops that initial rent check for one of those coveted banners.

They would've been approached by anabolic labels after they arrived with whatever source it is they rode in with. A Labels may have given 10 or 15 of the active sources at that time as references? Establishing a pattern of criminal activity wouldn't be difficult to establish at that point. I've called the system at promuscle the "Gravy Train" when one of the big generic gh scams gets rolling along.

If I had to pick what I felt was the most likely scenario that got them caught up I'd go with Anabolic Labels having a ugl of their own that they give potentials customers a choice of a dozen or so names to choose from. Time will tell.
Feb 19, 2021
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Meso's #1 source uses them....Stanford.
Hahahahaha.. I remember when Stamford was private and came out of the closet with a buy five tren a. I belive they said you had to buy all five and this would give you a golden ticket to there club..
How long they been around.. who care’s..
Labs go public and private again over and over.
And yes I am no dumb dumb. I know these forums have those high roller clubs that someone has to will you into when they die..
They are even in this bord..
But in the end what it comes down to for me is quality and safety…
I follow the quality. Like when I use to order on another resource board.
bOP. They would have sponsors popping up all the time.. you follow the mass. If the mass’s are screaming Horst then it’s safe to say your gtg..
But eventually they all go tumbling g down.
I belive they were owned but just a few people and when one went down hill another would come up and the mods and I am sure a shit to. Of other peopl with multiple handle would promote the company and sales would jack back up..
I also it was a way to keep heat off there back.
The. The safety.. you are a dumb fuck if you ever order under your real name or have shit sent to your house. Yes I have had may 1-2x ever had something sent to me. And it was like one bottle in a pinch..
I never use wu anymore and fuck that Bitcoin. Use that two and I have not in a great long while..
Cash in the mail is the only way too go. If you don’t feel comfortable sending money to your guy in the mail then you should not order from them.
As far as info goes.
Get a encrypted email…
Send your shit somewhere else.
They source can say they get rid of your info but in the end who the fuck knows.
All I know if someone had to come looking it would be like where is Waldo.. .
Anyway.. would everyone love one of those coveted sources. FAGETABOUTIT!!!! For sure . But for now I will stick with my one or two and be thankful..
Sep 3, 2022
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I remember the alibaba days when everyone was getting euro gear.... tons of "label" companies would have a higher price for labeled vials that majestically would arrive full of oil. Go figure eh. If this wasn't the case if you can get arrested for selling paper and glass that's nazi as fuck.


Senior Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Helping some one to facilitate a crime could be conspiracy at least i would guess.
Sep 3, 2022
Reaction score
Helping some one to facilitate a crime could be conspiracy at least i would guess.
If I make coffins that doesn't mean I have anything to do with how the people get buried in them.... Murica


Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
Well if you make coffins with the intent to sell them to a criminal origination and help facilitate their crimes it does.
It’s all about intent retard
I just don't get people anymore.

It is possible they look at a label maker for extremally large sources more harsh then some of the small ones they have busted.

Just my opinion but a little guy is nothing to anyone aiding larger organizations.


Aug 28, 2021
Reaction score
Well if you make coffins with the intent to sell them to a criminal origination and help facilitate their crimes it does.
It’s all about intent retard
Not the coffin makers they go after usually ,, its the shifty Mortuary and Funeral Parlor guys you can pay off to double stack a closed coffin .... or , so i've heard ,, or seen in movies and on tv , yeah thats it ,, movies an fucking tv :cool: :ROFLMAO:

Methyl mike

Accelerati Incredibilus
Oct 19, 2021
Reaction score
Hahahahaha.. I remember when Stamford was private and came out of the closet with a buy five tren a. I belive they said you had to buy all five and this would give you a golden ticket to there club..
How long they been around.. who care’s..
Labs go public and private again over and over.
And yes I am no dumb dumb. I know these forums have those high roller clubs that someone has to will you into when they die..
They are even in this bord..
But in the end what it comes down to for me is quality and safety…
I follow the quality. Like when I use to order on another resource board.
bOP. They would have sponsors popping up all the time.. you follow the mass. If the mass’s are screaming Horst then it’s safe to say your gtg..
But eventually they all go tumbling g down.
I belive they were owned but just a few people and when one went down hill another would come up and the mods and I am sure a shit to. Of other peopl with multiple handle would promote the company and sales would jack back up..
I also it was a way to keep heat off there back.
The. The safety.. you are a dumb fuck if you ever order under your real name or have shit sent to your house. Yes I have had may 1-2x ever had something sent to me. And it was like one bottle in a pinch..
I never use wu anymore and fuck that Bitcoin. Use that two and I have not in a great long while..
Cash in the mail is the only way too go. If you don’t feel comfortable sending money to your guy in the mail then you should not order from them.
As far as info goes.
Get a encrypted email…
Send your shit somewhere else.
They source can say they get rid of your info but in the end who the fuck knows.
All I know if someone had to come looking it would be like where is Waldo.. .
Anyway.. would everyone love one of those coveted sources. FAGETABOUTIT!!!! For sure . But for now I will stick with my one or two and be thankful..
I am old school like you are but disagree 100% about cash in mail.

Firstly, I enjoy having plausible deniability. Feds show up at my house they may get me for possession but that's it, they cannot pressure me to give up any of my sources because I don't know a fucking thing about them. As it should be.

Second cash always attracts attention and can be found with x-rays and I'm sure canines as well. Granted, feds arent aroused if they come across a few hundred dollars in the mail, but how many businesses are there that accept cash like this? Are there even a few? I doubt it. So if asked by alphabet goons what exactly was the reason you were doing this? How could you not incriminate yourself? So obviously mailing money is very unwise, unless you have a fetish for jail cells in which case it actually does make sense.

I like my sources but I accept a total loss every time I order from one. I trust them to deliver a quality product out of fear of losing potential business, who they are as a human being is generally disappointing.

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